October 10, 2016 The Progressive Radio Network Thousands of high-quality independent scientific studies have been recently conducted confirming the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, including an organic plant-based diet of whole foods, a proper balance of nutritional supplements, daily exercise, stress management and being educated and conscious of toxic chemicals in our home or work environment. People have been …
Andrew Cockburn – The Pentagon’s Real $trategy
These days, lamenting the apparently aimless character of Washington’s military operations in the Greater Middle East has become conventional wisdom among administration critics of every sort. Senator John McCain thunders that “this president has no strategy to successfully reverse the tide of slaughter and mayhem” in that region. Anthony Cordesman of the Center for Strategic and International Studiesbemoans the “lack of a viable …
Michael Brenner – America’s Worst Laid Plans
The United States has been pursuing an audacious project to fashion a global system according to its specifications and under its tutelage since the Cold War’s end. For a quarter of a century, the paramount goal of all its foreign relations has been the fostering of a system whose architectural design features the following: –a neo-liberal economic order wherein markets …
Christina England – Is the Deadly Hepatitis B Vaccine More Dangerous than the Disease?
3 Newborns Dead and 25 Others Seriously Injured After Receiving Hepatitis B Vaccinations On March 16, 2016, the Burmese newspaper The Irrawaddy reported that three babies had died and 25 others had become seriously ill after receiving hepatitis B vaccinations from the Bago General Hospital in Burma. According to the report, the babies who became ill shortly after receiving the vaccination all …
John Pilger – Freeing Julian Assange: The Final Chapter
One of the epic miscarriages of justice of our time is unravelling. The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention — — the international tribunal that adjudicates and decides whether governments comply with their human rights obligations — has ruled that Julian Assange has been detained unlawfully by Britain and Sweden. After five years of fighting to clear his name …
What Women Must Know – Secret Ingredients: The GMO Story with Jeffrey Smith and Amy Hart – 01.14.16
Jeffrey Smith
Internationally renowned anti-GMO author/filmmaker Jeffrey Smith’s meticulous research documents how biotech companies continue to mislead legislators and safety officials to put the health of society at risk and the environment in peril. His work expertly summarizes why the safety assessments conducted by the FDA and regulators worldwide teeter on a foundation of outdated science and false assumptions, and why genetically engineered foods must urgently become our nation’s top food safety priority.
Smith’s books include: Seeds of Deception: Exposing Industry and Government Lies about the Safety of the Genetically Engineered Foods You’re Eating, the world’s bestseller on GMOs; and Genetic Roulette: The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods. As a highly regarded keynote speaker, Mr. Smith has lectured in more than 40 countries, counseled leaders from every continent, and has been quoted by hundreds of media outlets including: The New York Times, Washington Post, BBC World Service, The Independent, Daily Telegraph, New Scientist, The Times (London), Associated Press, Reuters News Service, LA Times, and Time Magazine. Also a popular guest, he appears on influential radio shows and television programs, such as the The Daily Show, BBC, NPR, Fox News, Democracy Now, and the Dr. Oz Show.
Jeffrey Smith is the founding executive director of The Institute for Responsible Technology (IRT), a leading source of GMO health risk information for consumers, policy makers, and healthcare professionals. IRT’s educational programs are driving the tipping point of consumer rejection of GMOs, which is already starting to push genetically engineered ingredients out of the market in the US.
Amy Hart
Amy Hart is an award-winning filmmaker and photographer dedicated to shedding light on important global health issues. Based in California and NYC, Hart is the founder of CenterPeace Films and Photography.
Hart directed and produced an award-winning film on global water issues entitledWATER FIRST: Reaching the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The film was shown at numerous conferences and festivals around the world . Hart has specialized in global and public health issues since 2002 when she became the producer of educational broadcast programs at the University of Albany School of Public Health.
Hart has specialized in global and public health issues since 2002 when she became the producer of educational broadcast programs at the University of Albany School of Public Health.
Amy Hart met Jeffrey Smith when she took her camera up to the Heirloom Seed Expo with the intention of doing a photo essay on an angle of the organic food movement. Jeffrey Smith was a speaker and moderator of a panel on GMOs. Their very first conversation was about making films on GMOs together – so began Secret Ingredients.
Aung San Suu Kyi and the Derogation of Human Rights in Myanmar
Myanmar held elections early November as the capstone of a wider range of “reforms” it has undertaken as an apparent means of escaping decades of sanctions leveled against it by the West. Predictably, the National League of Democracy (NLD) headed by the Western vaunted, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi was declared the winner in a “landslide” by …
Tony Cartalucci – US vs China: US-Backed Mobs Seek to Overthrow Malaysian Government
Malaysia’s “Bersih” movement – an umbrella organization for various opposition groups opposed to the current government of Prime Minister Najib Razak – plans its fourth street demonstration in 8 years to unfold at the end of August. While Bersih’s alleged goal is “clean and fair elections,” it is openly led by the government’s opposition headed by the now imprisoned US-proxy Anwar Ibrahim and …
A “Secular ISIL” Rises In Southeast Asia By Andrew KORYBKO
A triad of Great Power interests intersects in the confined area of the India-Myanmar border, and each actor has differing objectives, motivations, and apprehensions. When one includes Myanmar itself into the foray, a ‘quarrelling quartet’ of contradictory trajectories emerges: Myanmar: Internal Balancing Beginning with the country most adversely affected by domestic and foreign militancy (as well as the subject of …
The Kids Aren’t All Right – Nick Turse
MALAKAL, South Sudan — I didn’t really think he was going to shoot me. There was no anger in his eyes. His finger may not have been anywhere near the trigger. He didn’t draw a bead on me. Still, he was a boy and he was holding an AK-47 and it was pointed in my direction. It was unnerving. I …