Spiritual Self Cleansing. The basic premise of a self cleansing is very simple. When there is an unwanted spiritual presence or curse on a home, business, office, piece of land or other place it needs to be removed. A spiritual self cleansing, when done correctly, breaks curses and removes demonic beings. It also dedicates the place and yourself to the Lord and invites His blessings and presence to dwell there.
NDC Savings Club – 11.04.15
Today Show: Crystals
Guest Speaker: Michael Eggleston http://www.innervisioncrystals.net/
InnerVision Crystals was founded in Spring 2006, Specializing in Moldavite, Phenakite, Herkimer Diamonds & Lemurian Quartz.
I had a passion for working with these 4 crystals and decided to specialize primarily in these. Over nearly 10 years I have made my way to the source for each of the stones, offering Wholesale & single specimens.
Since then IVC has grown to offer a very wide range of beautiful crystals, gemstones and minerals. Being at the source allows me to operate on a very unique level and offer a very deep inventory of amazing stones.