A new study confirms that politically-motivated attacks on Planned Parenthood are hurting low-income women, who are losing out on access to birth control as clinics are increasingly forced to reduce their shutter their doors. Texas, where the conservative legislature has led a campaign to defund the public health organization, has seen “adverse changes in the provision of contraception” in the …
NDC Savings Club – 01.27.16
Today Show: Yoga
Guest Speaker: Rose Filloramo http://angellightnc.com
Rose Filloramo is the founder and co- Director of “Angel Light”, a counseling and healing center in Asheville NC. Rose and her husband John Williams started Angel Light, A center for transformation in 2006 where she has taught Yoga, Meditation, Spiritual Development classes, and works with The Angelic Realm in her energy healing practice.
Rose began her formal spiritual training at The National Spiritual Science Center, in Washington DC in the 80’s. She is a licensed massage therapist, a certified Ananda Yoga instructor and an ordained minister in the Order of Melchizedek, and received training in many energy healing modalities. Rose was certified as a Past Life Regression therapist in 2001, where she met her husband John. She traveled to India to study at The Oneness University and became an Oneness Blessing Giver, (Deeksha Giver) in 2008.
Rose beholds the Divine in all Beings, in all circumstances and in all matter of human situations especially and most importantly in the unfoldment of the human Soul. She can be reached at Roselight11@aol.com
Scott Barry Kaufman, Carolyn Gregoire – Ten Habits of Highly Creative People
What exactly is creativity? So many of us assume that creativity is something we had as a child but we lost, or something allocated to rarified individuals that we can only admire from afar. But science has shown that, in many ways, we are all wired to create. The key is recognizing that creativity is multifaceted—on the level of the …
Is obesity more deadly than science suggests?
Experts say prior studies that examined the link between obesity and death are flawed because they rely on one-time measures of body mass index (BMI) that obscure the effects of weight change over time. Studies that fail to distinguish between people who never exceeded normal weight and people of normal weight who were formerly overweight or obese are misleading because …
Josh Hoxie – Affluenza: An Outrage in All Its Forms
Which is worse, letting a rich kid off easy for a heinous crime or allowing an ultra wealthy adult to drain public coffers through bribery? These two scenarios may seem completely unrelated, but they both illustrate the corrupting influence of modern inequality—treating those at the top differently than the rest of the country. Consider the case of Ethan Couch. Ethan …
Warrior Connection – 01.03.16
The January 3 warrior Connection was a discussion between Dr. Doug Rokke and Bonnie Rokke Tinnes, RN, about anemia and then we read some short stories about life in northern Minnesota at Christmas time.
Resistance Radio – Michael Robinson – 01.03.16
Michael Robinson’s work focuses on the protection and recovery of top predators like Mexican gray wolves and jaguars. He has been associated with the Center for Biological Diversity since its founding and joined the staff in 1997. Michael holds a master’s degree in literature from the University of Colorado at Boulder and a bachelors from the University of Texas at Austin; he is also the author of a well-reviewed book on the history of wolves in the United States called Predatory Bureaucracy: The Extermination of Wolves and the Transformation of the West(University Press of Colorado, 2005).
Nature Bats Last – 12.29.15
This week’s show was a call-in show based on our conversation with Mark Austin last week. Mike and Guy laid the groundwork for callers with an extensive introduction. We wrapped the show with an update about climate change.
Summer Allen & Jill Suttie – How Our Brains Make Us Generous
A recent series of ground-breaking neuroscience studies suggest that empathy and altruism are deeply rooted in human nature. Each year, people in the United States give billions of dollars to charity. Every day, people volunteer their time to help complete strangers. Routinely, we hear of selfless acts where people put their own lives in danger to help someone else. Economists …
Justin Gardner – Shopping Mall Recycling All Their Food Waste Into Thriving Rooftop Garden For Employees
A shopping mall in Sao Paulo, Brazil, is showing how these hubs of consumerism can be turned into a force for sustainability. They are taking all of the organic waste generated from the mall’s food court and turning it into compost for growing vegetables and herbs on the rooftop. Almost 900 pounds of food waste is generated there every day, and …