Connect The Dots – Thanksgiving And Solidarity With First Nation Peoples – 11.23.16

Thanksiving and Solidarity with First Nation Peoples: Wampanoag tribal member, Carole Vandal will explore Native perspectives on the history of Thanksgiving as well as the interconnection of all people, water, and the earth in conversation with Alison Rose Levy. #NoDAPL

From Hottest Place on Earth in Australia to LA and Ontario’s Winter Heat Waves, 2016 Already on Track to Be Hottest Year Ever Recorded

Perth, Australia  Australia, which lies in the southern hemisphere, is technically on its last month of summer but the blazing-hot temps in the city of Perth signal otherwise. In fact, the Western Australian capital “may well be the hottest place on earth right now,” reported today with temperatures shooting past 45 degrees Celsius, or 113 degrees Fahrenheit. The city has now seen …

William Edstrom – Heroin Dealer in Chief. Afghanistan, Source of 90% of The World’s Heroin

A heroin surge is shocking and awing Americans, 165,000 of who will be killed the next ten years. How does 415,000 kilograms (913,000 pounds) of heroin from US-occupied Afghanistan get to US each year? Opium Wars I & II were British troops forcing farmers in India and Pakistan, colonies of Britain then, to grow opium which Brits pushed on Chinese …