It’s become normal for Americans to demand—and receive-a professional assessment of the physical health of the candidates for president—just as they expect updates on the medical state of the president himself. After all, there have been many infamous cases of presidents, from Franklin Roosevelt to Jack Kennedy, who secretly endured serious debilitating illnesses. Thus, the current crop of presidential hopefuls …
698K Native-Born Americans Lost Their Job In August: Why This Suddenly Is The Most Important Jobs Chart
After the Fed admitted over a year ago that the US unemployment rate (which in 2012 was supposed to be a rate hike “threshold” once it hit 6.5% and is now at 5.1%) has become irrelevant in a country where a record 94 million people have left the labor force, and with the Fed poised to hike rates even though …
ROBERT REICH – Labor Day 2028
In 1928, famed British economist John Maynard Keynespredicted that technology would advance so far in a hundred years – by 2028 – that it will replace all work, and no one will need to worry about making money. “For the first time since his creation man will be faced with his real, his permanent problem – how to use his freedom …
“Conscious Capitalism” Icon Whole Foods Exploits Prison Labor
Whole Foods CEO John Mackey, whose net worth exceeds $100 million, is a fervent proselytizer on behalf of “conscious capitalism.” A self-described libertarian, Mackey believes the solution to all of the world’s problems is letting corporations run amok, without regulation. He believes this so fervently, in fact, he wrote an entire book extolling the magnanimous virtue of the free market. …
Crying Wolf? Impending Global Financial Collapse Will Change the World Order By Bill Holter
Worse than any disease or even leprosy, anyone spouting Austrian economics or even “common sense” (almost extinct today) has been shoved into the outcast corner by the mass delusional majority. Over the last few years, “theory after theory” has become fact after FACT afterFACT! There can no longer be any question, conspiracy to delude and defraud has run rampant and is a …