Gerard Powell is the personification of the American success story who realized, as do many people in his position, that money does not necessarily buy happiness. Instead, he opted to try anything available to hide from himself and his “perfect” life. Most of his existence he suffered from addiction and depression, incessantly trying to fill the hole deep within with …
Replenish Me – 07.27.17
Download this episode (right click and save) TINA MOORE BROWN Confidence Coach | Wellness Expert | Conference Speaker Tina Moore Brown, also referred to as Your Confidence Coach, is known for her ability to motivate, inspire and encourage women to truly shine. Tina is the founder and owner of Dance N2 Shape, a dance-based fitness company that changes the way …
Alex Henderson – 10 Reasons Why Homelessness Is More Common Now Than Just 20 Years Ago
Earlier this month, the National Alliance to End Homelessness released its report, “The State of Homelessness in America, 2016 [3].” The report contained some slightly good news: according to the Alliance, “The national rate of homelessness in 2015 fell to 17.7 homeless people per 10,000 people in the general population from 18.3 in 2014.” But there was troubling news in the report …
Rachel Feltman – Worrying you might get hurt is worse than knowing you will, study finds
Sometimes scientific studies reaffirm things we already knew based on good ol’ common sense. You can look at those studies and be all, “Ugh, lol, duh, #wasteofmoney,” or you can say, “Wow, huh, I guess maybe now we can try to get to the root of all these human experiences we take for granted.” This is one of those studies. …