Focus on the Facts – 10.03.16

The guest was Del Bigtree, the producer of Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe, a documentary investigation into the fraud conducted on the MMR vaccine autism study at the CDC that was revealed by Dr William Thompson, a CDC Senior Scientist and Whistleblower. Del left a job producing the popular TV show The Doctors to cover this CDC Whistleblower story. Del produced this film with Andy Wakefield and Polly Tommy. They are all true heroes. Anyone who goes up against the Pharmaceutical Industry nowadays puts their life in great danger and these 3 people are risking it all to stop the poisoning of our children with vaccines that cause autism.

Sarah Lazare – Government Witch Hunt for ‘Insider Threats’ Profiles Public Workers for Sexuality and Financial Troubles

In a witch-hunt for the “next Chelsea Manning,” the Obama administration is mass surveilling public employees for characteristics that fall under a dubious profile of the jailed whistleblower, including financial problems, family issues and, perhaps most invasively, gender dysphoria. The discovery was made by Manning herself, who obtained a  31-page document [3] on February 16 through a freedom of information action request. …

More than one in 20 US children have dizziness and balance problems

More than 1 in 20 (nearly 3.3 million) children between the ages of 3 and 17 have a dizziness or balance problem, according to an analysis of the first large-scale, nationally representative survey of these problems in U.S. children. Prevalence increases with age, with 7.5 percent of children ages 15-17 and 6.0 percent of children ages 12-14 having any dizziness …

Antidepressants double the risk of aggression and suicide in children

Children and adolescents have a doubled risk of aggression and suicide when taking one of the five most commonly prescribed antidepressants, according to findings of a study published in The BMJ today. However, the true risk for all associated serious harms–such as deaths, aggression, akathisia and suicidal thoughts and attempts–remains unknown for children, adolescents and adults, say experts. This is …

Brandon Turbeville – New Gov’t Task Force Calls for Screening Every Adult, Pregnant Women for Depression

A new recommendation has been released by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, a government advisory group that is now recommending all adults be routinely screened for depression as part of their healthcare. The first part of the recommendation suggests that all adults be screened, but singles out pregnant women and new mothers as a target population. The second part …

Acetominophen Use During Pregnancy Associated with Increased Autism Risk in Danish Study

Acetaminophen (paracetamol) is the most commonly used pain and fever medication during pregnancy. Previously, a positive ecological correlation between acetaminophen use and autism spectrum disorders (ASD) has been reported but evidence from larger studies based on prospective data is lacking. We followed 64,322 children and mothers enrolled in the Danish National Birth Cohort (DNBC; 1996-2002) for average 12.7 years to …

Green tea extract may boost short term memory: Pilot study data

Extracts from green tea may boost a range of cognitive functions, with particular benefits observed for short term memory, report researchers from Japan. Two grams per day of a green tea powder for three months were associated with significant improvements in the Mini-Mental State Examination (Japanese version) score of 12 elderly nursing home residents with cognitive dysfunction. “These results support …

Christina England – New Study Dispels Myth that Better Diagnosis is Responsible for Increase in Autism

Many of us either personally knows of someone who has been diagnosed with autism or know someone else who does. The number of children suffering from the condition appears to be on the increase, and although many of us believe that we know the real cause of autism, scientists from around the world blame the ever-increasing numbers on everything from cold …

The Rise of Autism: What’s Really Happening?

When a disorder shows exponential rate increases and becomes the fastest-growing developmental disability, according to the CDC, it’s something worth looking into. It’s happening with Autism. It’s now affecting as many as 1 in 68 children in America and in the 10 year span from 2000-2010 there was a 119.4% increase in autism in the U.S. Autism has become such a “mainstream” disorder that it’s now …

Infectious Myth – Chris Shaw on Dangers of Aluminum Too – 10.20.15

In Episode 75 David discusses the toxicity of Aluminum with Professor Chris Shaw, following on from the interview with Chris Exley in episode 71. Dr. Shaw started examining a degenerative neurological illness on Guam that his research indicated was caused by a combination of phytosterols in cycads and aluminum, and then went on to study Gulf War Syndrome, which he believed was at least partly due to the exposure to aluminum in over 20 vaccines given to soldiers in a short time. In 2013 he co-authored a paper that claimed a strong correlation between increased exposure to aluminum in vaccines and Autism Spectrum Disorder. But his major area of study is not epidemiology, but studies with mice, which have shown that injection of aluminum causes degeneration of the nervous system.
Chris also comments on the absolutism prevalent in mainstream discussions of vaccine safety, including the time when the Canadian public broadcaster, CBC, went after him, trying to get his management to criticize his research, something they refused to do, insisting that peer review of his grant applications and publications was sufficient, a major victory for academic and scientific freedom.