Rishma Parpia – Polysorbate 80: A Risky Vaccine Ingredient

The recent public conversation about the safety of vaccine ingredients has centered primarily around mercury (thimerosal), aluminum and formaldehyde. However, there are other concerning ingredients in vaccines that are not talked about as often, one of which is Polysorbate 80—also known as Tween 80 and polyoxyethylene-sorbitan-20 mono-oleate.1 What is Polysorbate 80? Polysorbate 80 is a surfactant commonly used in the …

Antidepressants double the risk of aggression and suicide in children

Children and adolescents have a doubled risk of aggression and suicide when taking one of the five most commonly prescribed antidepressants, according to findings of a study published in The BMJ today. However, the true risk for all associated serious harms–such as deaths, aggression, akathisia and suicidal thoughts and attempts–remains unknown for children, adolescents and adults, say experts. This is …

Dr. Brownstein – New Flu Vaccine Approved Targeting Elderly Contains Squalene

The FDA has approved a new flu vaccine—Fluad.  Should we say, “hooray,” or “oy veh”.  I will let you decide. Fluad is the first seasonal influenza vaccine containing an adjuvant called squalene.  Adjuvants in vaccines, such as aluminum, are used to cause a greater immune system response as compared to vaccines used without an adjuvant.  This increased immune system response …

Christina England – New Study Dispels Myth that Better Diagnosis is Responsible for Increase in Autism

Many of us either personally knows of someone who has been diagnosed with autism or know someone else who does. The number of children suffering from the condition appears to be on the increase, and although many of us believe that we know the real cause of autism, scientists from around the world blame the ever-increasing numbers on everything from cold …

The Rise of Autism: What’s Really Happening?

When a disorder shows exponential rate increases and becomes the fastest-growing developmental disability, according to the CDC, it’s something worth looking into. It’s happening with Autism. It’s now affecting as many as 1 in 68 children in America and in the 10 year span from 2000-2010 there was a 119.4% increase in autism in the U.S. Autism has become such a “mainstream” disorder that it’s now …

The Gary Null Show – 11.04.15

John Gilmore is the Executive Director of the Autism Action Network, a national, not-profit, grassroots advocacy organization that influences legislation and public policy on a wide range of issues impacting the autism community, including access to healthcare, health insurance reform, special education, vaccine rights and civil rights of the disabled. His organization works at the state, federal and sometimes local level to influence the lives of people with autism and their families. Founded as A-CHAMP in 2005, initial efforts focused on the partially successful campaign to ban mercury as an ingredient in vaccines. Mr. Gilmore has a Master’s Degree in Public Policy from the Graduate School of Public Policy at the University of California at Berkley. He lives in Long Beach, NY with his wife and two teenage sons, one who vaccine injury as an infant and is diagnosed with autism. For further information, his organization’s website is AutismActionNetwork.org and on Facebook

Rita Palma is a parent advocate for vaccine exemptions and the founder of My Kids My Choice, which assists parents to navigate New York State immunization exemption laws and to oppose vaccine mandates. Rita is very familiar with the obstacles and frustration in going through religious waiver to immunization in New York State, even though such waivers remain legal in the state. She has three children and has gone up against the corruption of the state and educational systems regarding vaccination. Her website is MyKidsMyChoice.com

Fearless Parent Radio – On Yogi Parenting – 10.28.15

Wouldn’t life be easier if you just knew how to raise your kids? No endless hours on the internet, frantic calls to friends and family, expensive and tedious appointments with doctors and experts, stacks of books to collect?

There certainly aren’t many parents who can claim to navigate the challenges of family life and child rearing with the trifecta of wisdom, grace, and evidence-based research, but Sarah Kamrath is one of them.

Tune in to hear about her path to parenting from a space of inner knowledge, informed by her experience as a parent, researcher, writer, filmmaker, doula, and yogi:

What is a parent’s most important parenting tool?
What are top priorities for a healthy pregnancy and birth?
What information is needed to avoid unnecessary interventions?
Why kundalini yoga, what is it, and how did it change your marriage and parenting?
How is your parenting different from what you read and see in the mainstream?
Tell us about your goals and approaches for educating your children? How do they like it and how does it impact their social lives?
What hopes do you have for humanity when it comes to parenting and family life?

Infectious Myth – Chris Shaw on Dangers of Aluminum Too – 10.20.15

In Episode 75 David discusses the toxicity of Aluminum with Professor Chris Shaw, following on from the interview with Chris Exley in episode 71. Dr. Shaw started examining a degenerative neurological illness on Guam that his research indicated was caused by a combination of phytosterols in cycads and aluminum, and then went on to study Gulf War Syndrome, which he believed was at least partly due to the exposure to aluminum in over 20 vaccines given to soldiers in a short time. In 2013 he co-authored a paper that claimed a strong correlation between increased exposure to aluminum in vaccines and Autism Spectrum Disorder. But his major area of study is not epidemiology, but studies with mice, which have shown that injection of aluminum causes degeneration of the nervous system.
Chris also comments on the absolutism prevalent in mainstream discussions of vaccine safety, including the time when the Canadian public broadcaster, CBC, went after him, trying to get his management to criticize his research, something they refused to do, insisting that peer review of his grant applications and publications was sufficient, a major victory for academic and scientific freedom.

NDC Savings Club – 09.30.15

Today Show: Healthy Vision and Eyecare – Part 2

Guest Speaker: Dr. Marc Grossman http://www.naturaleyecare.com/

Healthy Vision is Our Strongest Link to the World Around Us. NaturalEyeCare™ was created in May, 1999 to help health care professionals and the public become aware of the role of complementary care in the treatment of eye disease. We believe that combining the best in traditional and complementary care creates the greatest opportunity for individuals to protect and improve vision. We believe that the health of the eye depends on the well-being of one’s entire body. We provide recommendations for healing and preserving vision that encompass lifestyle, diet and nutritional products based on our analysis of peer review studies

Health News Segment with: Dr. Wald, director of Longevity at Integrated Medicine http://www.blooddetective.com/
Today Topic: Part 6 Autism Epidemic/ASD – 6 Part Series

The Autism/ASD Epidemic is a profound, eye-opening series of short, informative and practical talks presented by the Dr. Michael Wald – nicknamed the Blood Detective. Dr. Wald explores the criteria for autism and autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), talks about potential causes from all angles and critically evaluates both medical and nutritional and natural treatments.

NDC Savings Club – 09.23.15

Today Show: Chiropractic and it’s Health Benefits

Guest Speaker: Dr. Tom McGuire D.C., B.S. http://www.innatelivingcenter.com/index.html

Dr. Tom gets to the heart of the matter by addressing the cause of your problem, not just by treating the symptoms. Using an array of diagnostic tools, we are able pinpoint the sources of injuries or other problematic areas, known as subluxations, that lead to pain or ongoing discomfort.

Chiropractic was introduced to Dr. Tom at the age of 19. He suffered from digestive problems from the age of 7, and went to every doctor and specialist imaginable to find the cause of his problem, to no avail. He suffered an array of symptoms throughout his adolescent and teen years.

Dr. Tom sought relief by agreeing to visit a chiropractor. After only one week of treatment, his digestive problems subsided, never to return again.

Because of Dr. Tom’s personal experience, he found his purpose in life through natural health. He truly understood its benefits, and felt his body functioning better than ever, all because of chiropractic care.

Dr. Tom now shares his knowledge and expertise by practicing evidence-based chiropractic care. He utilizes the latest state-of-the-art chiropractic techniques, while providing patients with predictable and reliable results.

Health News Segment with: Dr. Wald, director of Longevity at Integrated Medicine http://www.blooddetective.com/
Today Topic: Part 5 Autism Epidemic/ASD – 6 Part Series

The Autism/ASD Epidemic is a profound, eye-opening series of short, informative and practical talks presented by the Dr. Michael Wald – nicknamed the Blood Detective. Dr. Wald explores the criteria for autism and autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), talks about potential causes from all angles and critically evaluates both medical and nutritional and natural treatments.