Energy Stew – How can you measure soul development? – 02.16.18

Tricia McCannon is one of the deepest people I know. Her books are always major works of profound research and inspired thinking. Her new book, “The Angelic Origins of the Soul, Discovering Your Divine Purpose”, is a wonder-ful opportunity to know so much more about ourselves. In this third interview with her, she’ll talk about our souls and how they’ve …

By the end of my first year as a doctor, I was ready to kill myself

On my morning drives to the hospital, the tears fell like rain. The prospect of the next 14 hours – 8am to 10pm with not a second’s respite from the nurses’ bleeps, or the overwhelming needs of too many sick patients – was almost too much to bear. But on the late-night trips back home, I’d feel nothing at all. …