The new McCarthyism and the efforts to launch a new Cold War with Russia Robert (Bob) Parry is one of our leading progressive investigative journalists best known for his uncovering Iran-Contra story and Oliver North’s involvement which earned him the George Polk Award for National Reporting in 1984. He is currently the senior editor and writes for Consortium News. Bob has covered …
Economic Update – Morality and Economics – 11.05.17
Updates on mostly low-paid service jobs in US future, Senate deregulates banks, college spending per student reinforces income inequality, US loneliness a factor in illnesses and premature death, Univ of Chicago grad students unionize, Brazilian civil and religious authorities push almost-rotten food for the poor, and costs of pollution. Interview Dr. Harriet Fraad on psychology and economics of sex work …
Visionaries – 01.16.17
“Joy.” There are entire industries built around happiness. Happiness is usually defined as a feeling of contentment, satisfaction, wellbeing, pleasure; a positive emotional state. But is that what we really want? Or do we we want to be engaged in the world, feel energies coursing through us. In this show we call on both van Gogh and Dr. Who to understand Joy.
iEat Green – Sally Edwards- Chemical Footprint Project – 11.03.16
Dr. Sally Edwards has many years of experience in engaging a wide range of stakeholders to promote the environmental health of communities and develop safer and greener products. She is a senior research associate at the Lowell Center for Sustainable Production at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. She is a co- founder of the Chemical Footprint Project, which is designed to recognize corporate leadership in the use of safer chemicals. Sally facilitates the work of the Green Chemistry and Commerce Council’s Retailer Leadership Council, whose mission is to promote safer chemicals, materials and products across retail supply chains. Eight major retailers are active participants in the RLC. Sally also serves on the board of directors for Women’s Voices for the Earth. Sally holds a MS in Environmental Health Science from Harvard University and a BA in Human Biology from Stanford University. She completed her doctorate in Work Environment at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. Her book, Beyond Child’s Play: Sustainable Product Design in the Global Doll-Making Industry, was published in 2009.
Situational Awareness: How to Protect Yourself by Developing your Situational Awareness
I’ve read hundreds of articles on Situational awareness, and I’m usually left scratching my head, wondering how many of these authors can even pretend to write about a subject they know nothing about. Most of the stuff out there seems like a bad technical manual, written by some egghead professor that did a couple of studies in a laboratory so …
Robots will cut 25% of US jobs in 4 years, transform workforce – report
The encroachment of self-help kiosks and grocery store scanners has led doomsayers to suggest automation threatens the workforce of the future. A new report argues it will create new business sectors and new jobs as well. By studying large companies in various industries, from Delta Airlines Inc. to Whole Foods Market Inc., as well as many startups, analysts have forecast …
Information Warfare: Automated Propaganda and Social Media Bots
NATO has announced that it is launching an “information war” against Russia. The UK publicly announced a battalion of keyboard warriors to spread disinformation. It’s well-documented that the West has long used false propaganda to sway public opinion. Western military and intelligence services manipulate social media to counter criticism of Western policies. Such manipulation includes flooding social media with comments supporting the government and large corporations, using armies of …