ANDRE VLTCHEK – Western “Culture” is Wrecking Entire Continents

You say “European cultural institutions”, and what should come immediately to mind are lavish concerts, avant-garde art exhibitions, high quality language courses and benevolent scholarships for talented cash-strapped local students. It is all so noble, so civilized! Or, is it really? Think twice! I wrote my short novel, “Aurora”, after studying the activities of various Western ‘cultural institutions’, in virtually …

Dahr Jamail – The Navy’s Use of Depleted Uranium in Our Coastal Waters Threatens Humans, Wildlife

Earlier this month, Truthout reported that the US Navy is knowingly introducingtoxic metals and chemicals into the environment during its war game exercises. Sheila Murray with the Navy Region Northwest’s public affairs office, when asked what the Navy was doing to mitigate environmental contamination from the large numbers of Depleted Uranium (DU) rounds it left on the seabed off the …