We can have a healthy climate — a climate with zero warming — in our lifetimes. The message for the last 20 years has been that we have to reduce emissions drastically to prevent dangerous climate change of more than 2 degrees C (3.6 F). This strategy would have likely worked when it was first suggested, but we have delayed …
Joe Conason – What Corporate America Would Do If It Really Cared About Climate Change
Republican Congressional leaders in both houses know they can continue to lie and deny on climate, so long as the nation’s business leaders fail to demand change. Much as the world must hope that the governments assembled in Paris achieve their objectives, at the very least they have provided an occasion for business leaders of all descriptions to announce their …
John Atcheson – Risk, Climate Change, and Black Swans
It’s getting increasingly hard to make a case for the sanity of humanity. “One of the most dangerous scenarios I can conceive of is having the countries of the world agree to their woefully inadequate self-determined emission reduction goals, then walk away with the illusion of victory.” Incredibly, we are heading into negations on the most important issue humanity has …
Deirdre Fulton – Geoengineering Schemes Sound Too Good to be True? That’s Because They Are.
As a historic heat wave ravages the Middle East and glaciers continue rapidly melting into the sea, a “thought-experiment” devised by German researchers has demonstrated—yet again—that the best way to avoid the effects of catastrophic climate change is to keep fossil fuels in the ground. According to a paper (pdf) published Monday in the journal Nature Climate Change, geoengineering “technofixes” …
Alex Kirby – Global temperatures have risen by 1°C in the past 150 years, and one scientist says doubling that level could unleash catastrophic sea level rise this century.
The world is now halfway towards the internationally-agreed safety limit of a maximum 2°C rise in global average temperatures, researchers say. That limit seeks to prevent the global warming caused by the burning of fossil fuels exceeding 2°C above the pre-industrial global temperature. The UN’s Paris climate summit later this year aims to ensure that it is not breached. It …