Pascal Baudar – 10 Reasons You Should Start Foraging for Your Own Food

In the past few years, foraging—collecting edibles in the wild—has become more popular as people have rediscovered the joy of connecting with nature and enjoying its bounty. Done properly, foraging can be a fun activity, and benefit nature too. I’m not talking about commercial foraging (which can have drawbacks), but a more fun and personal approach to the concept of …

JOSEPH NATOLI – Psychotic Shooters on the Open Frontier of Profit

“Each of the Republican candidates for the presidency declared last week that we should deal with school shootings by providing aggressive treatment of people with mental illness — not to alleviate the suffering of the mentally ill, but to protect other people from the mentally ill.” Andrew Solomon, “The Myth of the `Autistic Shooter,’ The New York Delusions are the belief in …

Flower-enriched farms boost bee populations

Flower strips sown into farmers’ fields not only attract bees but increase their numbers, new University of Sussex research has shown. A two-year study of farms in West Sussex and Hampshire in the UK found that England’s most common bumblebee species saw significant population growth where targeted, bee-friendly planting schemes were in place. A number of ‘agri-environment’ schemes have been …