There’s something the farm lobby doesn’t want you to know: how much their use of antibiotics in livestock poses a risk to you and your children. Drug resistant infections are on the rise, according to the Review on Antimicrobial Resistance, “with numbers suggesting that up to 50,000 lives are lost each year to antibiotic-resistant infections in Europe and the U.S. …
Human leprosy found in British red squirrels
Scientists have discovered human leprosy in British red squirrels, uncovering one leprosy-driving bacterial strain, in particular, that is similar to that responsible for outbreaks of the disease in medieval Europe. The researchers say their findings suggest squirrels have been a reservoir for these ancient bacteria for decades, though they stress that the chances of people catching the disease from the …
What Women Must Know – The Spiritual Lessons from a Life with Horses with Dr. Allan Hamilton – 10.27.16
Allan Hamilton started his working life as a janitor. He would eventually go on to graduate from Harvard Medical School and complete his neurosurgical residency training at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. Dr. Hamilton holds four Professorships at the University of Arizona in Neurosurgery, Radiation Oncology, Psychology, and Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Ask The Blood Detective – Everything You Need To Know About Digestion – 10.22.16
Everything you need to know about digestion is the title of Dr. WALD show that explores the anatomy of the digestive tract, the process of digestion and how the rest of the body is influenced by digestion and in turn is influenced by the rest of the body. According to Dr. Wald, “there is no cell, tissue or organ system of the body that can escape problems caused by the digestive tract. In reverse, there are no health problem that exist anywhere outside of the gut that can be improved without considering the role of the digestive tract.” Dr. WALD is the director of health and wellness at Integrated Nutrition of Mount Kisco in Westchester New York -914-242-8844. or Email:
The Gary Null Show – 10.20.16
Today on The Gary Null Show, Gary has a special show with guests but before that he gives the latest in health and healing. The first guest in Gary’s program is Dr. Dady Chery. The two talk about The Clinton Money games in Haiti – capitalizing off of catastrophe. Dr Dady (Daah-dee) Chery is a Haitian born writer, journalist, and an associate professor in biological sciences who has been at the forefront publicly about the challenges Haiti confronts and the corruption of American interests. She was the first to site the likely introduction of cholera into Haiti by UN personnel in 2010 and has reported on Haiti’s considerable mineral wealth as a lucrative target for western corporate interests. Dady is the co-editor in chief of News Junkie Post with geopolitical commentator Gilbert Mercier and is the editor of the news site Haiti Chery at… Her articles appear on Black Agenda Report, Counterpunch, Global Research, RT and many others. And she is the author of important book and anlaysis of the Haitian Crisis – “We Dared to Be Free: Haiti’s Struggle Against Occupation.” The second guest in today’s program is Prof. Harvey Wasserman the two talk about Trumps claims on Rigged elections – the evidence. Prof. Harvey Wasserman is a professor of history at Columbus State College and Capital University in Ohio. He is an investigative journalist, author and has been a national voice in the anti-war and anti-nuclear movements for over four decades. He is also a senior advisor for Greenpeace USA and the Nuclear Information and Resource Service and founder of, a grassroots endeavor to promote a green-powered earth. Among his many books are “Solartopia: Our Green Powered Earth” and two books on election fraud, the latest being “Election Theft is the Fourth Jim Crow; How the GOP Can Buy, Rig, Steal and Lynch the Presidency in 2016.” His articles appear frequently on Counterpunch, Alternet, NukeWatch, Huffington Post and others. Harvey can also be heard every Thursday afternoon at 5 pm Eastern as host of “Green Power and Wellness Hour” on the Progressive Radio Network. His website is
Hannah Devlin – cMigraines could be caused by gut bacteria, study suggests
Migraine sufferers have a different mix of gut bacteria that could make them more sensitive to certain foods, scientists have found. The study offers a potential explanation for why some people are more susceptible to debilitating headaches and why some foods appear to act as triggers for migraines. The research showed that migraine sufferers had higher levels of bacteria that …
How Big Pharma’s industrial waste is fuelling the rise in superbugs worldwide
Pharmaceutical companies are fuelling the rise of superbugs by manufacturing drugs in factories that leak industrial waste, says a new report which calls on them to radically improve their supply chains. Factories in China and India – where the majority of the world’s antibiotics are produced – are releasing untreated waste fluid containing active ingredients into surrounding areas, highlights the report by …
Popeye was right: There’s energy in that spinach
Using a simple membrane extract from spinach leaves, researchers from the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology have developed a bio-photo-electro-chemical (BPEC) cell that produces electricity and hydrogen from water using sunlight. The raw material of the device is water, and its products are electric current, hydrogen and oxygen. The findings were published in the August 23 online issue of Nature Communications. The …
TOM PHILPOTT – UTIs Are Horrible and Soon There Will Be No Drugs That Can Help You
A superbug that can shake off a last-ditch antibiotic called colistin has been alarming the global health community since 2015. It first turned up in hogs on a Chinese farm and has since been found in 30 other countries, including the United States. According to a new paper by Rutgers and Columbia University researchers, colistin-resistant E. coli has been here since August 2014 at the latest—and the particular strain they …
Pam Frost Gorder – New genus of bacteria found living inside hydraulic fracturing wells
Researchers analyzing the genomes of microorganisms living in shale oil and gas wells have found evidence of sustainable ecosystems taking hold there—populated in part by a never-before-seen genus of bacteria they have dubbed “Frackibacter.” The new genus is one of the 31 microbial members found living inside two separate fracturing wells, Ohio State University researchers and their colleagues report in …