BEATTY talked about the 3 things that we must DO if we hope to have a successful and healthy relationship.There are no shortcuts. She also spoke about the signs and behaviors that indicate if you are in an abusive relationship.  She stressed the importance of reaching out for help. No need to try and solve your problems on your own. …
AI will create ‘useless class’ of human, predicts bestselling historian
It is hard to miss the warnings. In the race to make computers more intelligent than us, humanity will summon a demon, bring forth the end of days, and code itself into oblivion. Instead of silicon assistants we’ll build silicon assassins. The doomsday story of an evil AI has been told a thousand times. But our fate at the hand …
50% of the World’s Wildlife Gone in Just 2 Human Generations
Anyone accustomed to Openhand knows that our approach is to fearlessly embrace the truth, even if that makes us unpopular. Why? Because only the truth can truly set you free. There’s so much deception and distortion abound on the planet. We must intuit and feel for ourselves the true landscape and where this is all really heading. For only then, may we …