RAMADI, Iraq — So complete was the destruction of Ramadi that a local reporter who had visited the city many times hardly recognized it. “Honestly, this is the main street,” Amaj Hamid, a member of Iraq’s elite counterterrorism forces, told the TV crew as they entered from the southwest. He swerved to avoid the aftermath of months of fighting: rubble, …
Robert J. Burrowes – Extinction Is Forever
What do the Pyrenean ibex, St. Helena olive, Baiji dolphin, Liverpool pigeon, Eastern cougar, West African black rhinoceros, Formosan clouded leopard, Chinese Paddlefish, the Golden Toad and the Rockland grass skipper butterfly all have in common but which is different from the Dodo? The answer is that these species all became extinct since the year 2000, that is, in the …
Resistance Radio – Jay Barlow – 10.25.15
Jay Barlow received a B.S. in Biology from Arizona State University and a Ph.D. in Biological Oceanography from Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD. He has been a researcher at the NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center in La Jolla California since 1982. His research has primarily involved evaluating and mitigating human impacts on cetaceans and pinnipeds along the US West Coast and in Hawaii. International work has involved surveys of cetacean abundance in the Colombian Amazon, the Yangtze River and the northern Gulf of California. Today we talk about vaquitas, the smallest and most endangered of the cetaceans.