More than three years after President Barack Obama pledged to be transparent about the United States’ lethal drone program, his administration has finally come forward with an accounting of the numbers of civilian deaths that resulted from drone strikes between Jan. 20, 2009, and Dec. 31, 2015. But they only cover airstrikes “outside areas of active hostilities,” which encompasses Pakistan, …
How Corporations Dump Their Toxic Sludge in Areas Filled With Poor People By Erik Loomis
The following is an excerpt from Out of Sight: The Long and Disturbing Story of Corporations Outsourcing Catastrophe [3]by Erik Loomis (The New Press, [4] 2015): The new environmental laws of the 1970s proved immediately effective. Between 1972 and 1978, presence of sulfur dioxide in the environment fell 17 percent, carbon monoxide by 35 percent, and lead by 26 percent.15 Americans lauded a future …
New Data: 2.7 Million Animals Killed by Rogue Federal Wildlife Program in 2014
New data from the highly secretive arm of the U.S. Agriculture Department known as Wildlife Services reveals it killed more than 2.7 million animals during fiscal year 2014, including wolves, coyotes, bears, mountain lions, beavers, foxes, eagles and other animals deemed pests by powerful agricultural, livestock and other special interests. Despite increasing calls for reform after the program killed more than 4 million …