The Gary Null Show – 02.23.18

Trump’s infrastructure plan and what it will mean to our land, water, soil and future Mary Grant is the Director of the Public Water for All Campaign at Food and Water Watch, a nonprofit public advocacy organization that stands up against corporations to assure healthy food, clean water and land protection for all. The organization’s campaign promotes universal access to …

Nancy Fraser – The End of Progressive Neoliberalism

The election of Donald Trump represents one of a series of dramatic political uprisings that together signal a collapse of neoliberal hegemony. These uprisings include the Brexit vote in the United Kingdom, the rejection of the Renzi reforms in Italy, the Bernie Sanders campaign for the Democratic Party nomination in the United States, and rising support for the National Front …

REBECCA KHEEL – Trump alarms arms-control community with nuke tweet

The arms-control community is sounding the alarm on President-elect Donald Trump calling for the United States to “greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability.” “This is a how arms races begin,” warned Joe Cirincione, president of nuclear nonproliferation group the Ploughshares Fund. On Thursday afternoon, Trump tweeted that “the United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such …

Maurice Webster – Machiavelli, Then and Now 2016 Reflections on The Discourses of Niccolo Machiavelli

Book One, Part One: Discourses 1 through 32 Part 1 of a Series of 6 articles for OpEdNews Over the last forty years public education has stopped teaching about the responsibilities required of citizens living in a republic. Voting has become a right that one can choose to exercise instead of a civic necessity and duty. The study of government …

Leid Stories—The ‘Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy’ Had Called It Early on the Clintons; New Bombshells on the Clinton Foundation’s Charity Fraud —11.01.16

Back in 1998, when Bill Clinton was into his second term as president, Hillary Clinton famously blamed a “vast, right-wing conspiracy” for propagating a series of scandals that were meant to tarnish the sterling reputations and characters of the White House’s two main occupants and turn the people against them. The Clintons still profess this to be true, pointing to a torrent of unflattering, even sensational, headlines and news coverage they’ve had to endure. But they always could depend on the mainstream media to blunt harsh criticism.

Leid Stories—The ‘Big Debate’ Yet Another Reminder That the Two-Party-Dominated Political System Must End. But How? (Part 2)—09.29.16

Despite widespread voter disaffection with politics in general, and “the two-party system” in particular, the Democratic and Republican parties continue to dominate and control the political machinery of the United States. They wage bruising battles to control local, state and national government, and except from each other, neither party really fears a challenge to its power and dominance.

Energy Stew – Crystal Andrus Morissette – 09.09.16

Managing Your Emotional Edge – Energy Stew interview with Crystal Morissette When we can understand and manage our emotions, we can live with more empowerment. Crystal Andrus Morissette has written a wonderful book, “The Emotional Edge”, to help people find their hidden strengths when they can become more emotionally discerning. She covers many topics ranging from communication to attitude and …