Meria interviews scientist/philosopher Carl Johan Calleman on his latest book “The Nine Waves of Creation,Quantum Physics,Holographic Evolution and the Destiny of Humanity”. His trips to Mexico got him started on the Mayan Calendar;everything is waves and frequencies; holographic universe; the human mind is an evolving hologram; wave forms we resonate with downloads a hologram that creates our mind; the ancient …
The Vinyl Experience – 04.07.17
VE 327 4 7 17 For David Peel and Don Rickles
Resistance Radio – Carrie Culp – 03.26.17
Carrie Culp is the founder and director of Painted Dog Research Trust USA. She fell in love with African painted dogs after reading about them in a book she found in her elementary school library. She is a FGASA certified Level 1 Field Guide (Safari Guide), trained in South Africa in Karongwe Game Reserve and enjoys sharing her passion for African wildlife on trips to Africa as well as at home in Seattle, WA. Today we talk about critically endangered African painted dogs.
Leid Stories—If Not Party Politics, Then What? Political Options in the Age of Trump—03.09.17
If nothing else, Donald Trump’s presidency is confirming every day the severe limitations of the two-party system. When both major parties are in crisis—as they currently are—how are the people’s interests to be safeg
DAVID MASCI – About one-fifth of adults globally have no formal schooling
In many parts of the world, particularly in poorer countries, attainment of even the most basic education is still far from universal. Indeed, roughly one-in-five adults (19%) around the globe have no formal schooling at all, according to a recent Pew Research Center report on education that also studied its relationship to religion. While virtually all adults in Europe (98%) …
Connect The Dots -Dariel Garner, the subject of the book, Billionnaire Buddha by Rivera Sun – 01.11.17
Listen to Dariel Garner, the subject of the book, Billionnaire Buddha by Rivera Sun, speaking about his journey of the heart, from being a member of the .01 percent to becoming an activist living sustainably and modeling how to transition from the values of greed to joining in caring— in conversation with Alison Rose Levy.
Olivia Anderson – This Organic Food Company Doesn’t Discriminate Against People With Criminal Records — It Seeks Them Out
Mike Miles hadn’t had a stable job in years. He bounced around from temp agency to temp agency, never sure when his last day would be. Sometimes, he lost a position with less than a day’s notice. This wasn’t due to a poor work ethic — from arriving early to staying late, Miles says he did everything he could to …
Let’s Create A Better World – 10.24.16
Peter Bedard is our special guest and discusses his experience, strength and hope in the areas he specializes in helping others through his holistic healing practice.
Basic Yoga Moves to Improve Balance, Mood and Flexibility
Yoga postures may not be something you’ve thought about for the purposes of improving your overall health and wellness. But research shows that even a daily, two-minute routine can strengthen core muscles throughout your body. Simple yoga moves can also improve your balance, increase your flexibility and even boost your mood. They can be tailored to every fitness level and …
Observable universe contains two trillion galaxies, 10 times more than previously thought
October 13, 2016 Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) The universe suddenly looks a lot more crowded, thanks to a deep-sky census assembled from surveys taken by NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope and other observatories. Astronomers came to the surprising conclusion that there are at least 10 times more galaxies in the observable universe than previously thought. This places the universe’s …