Meria With Chuck Ochelli – topics from Baltimore to forced vaccines.
Economic Update – Capitalism’s Other Side – 05.03.15
Updates on May Day holiday, Baltimore uprising, Nepal earthquake/poverty, Varoufakis vs repression, and Bud Light pushing beer by endangering women. Response to listener’s questions on varieties of coops. Interview with Prof. Yahya Madra on Turkey, Capitalism, and Islam.
It’s Official: Police Were Ordered To Stand Down And Let The Baltimore Riots Rage Out Of Control – Michael Snyder
We now have official confirmation that the rioting in Baltimore on Monday was purposely allowed to spiral out of control. Up until now, there had been some unconfirmed reports that police in Baltimore had been ordered to “stand down” during the riots, but nobody had been willing to come forward and go on the record. Now that has all changed. …
Leid Stories – 04.30.15
Making Their Bones in Baltimore (Part 2)
The crisis in Baltimore has become a backdrop for media hounds, political pundits, talking heads and just about every variety of sound-byte opportunist. Yet the systemic problems that are the Gordian knot around the embattled city are again being given short shrift.
Even the “liberal” media are fully engaged in providing “coverage” that has more to do with sensationalism, stereotype and self-promotion than getting at the root of systemic problems that belie claims of social, political, economic and racial progress in America.
Leid Stories tackles the issue head on.
The Mark Riley Show – 04.29.15
A squatter’s last stand at a condemned Bronx barn. Garland Roberts, the “squatter”, has been an activist for as long as I can remember. He seems to have a valid beef.
You Will Be Surprised Who the Outside Agitators Really Are in Baltimore – Max Blumenthal
On Monday, the country watched as a band of outside agitators descended on the streets of Baltimore, attacked locals with blunt force, intimidated innocent bystanders, and even threw rocks [3] at native residents. Every day, these gun-toting rogues come from as far as New Jersey and Pennsylvania to intimidate the good people of Baltimore, forcing communities to cower under the threat of violence. …
Leid Stories – 04.29.15
Making Their Bones in Baltimore –
The crisis in Baltimore has become a backdrop for media hounds, political pundits, talking heads and just about every variety of sound-byte opportunist. Yet the systemic problems that are the Gordian knot around the embattled city are again being given short shrift.
Even the “liberal” media are fully engaged in providing “coverage” that has more to do with sensationalism, stereotype and self-promotion than getting at the root of systemic problems that belie claims of social, political, economic and racial progress in America.
Leid Stories tackles the issue head on.
Leid Stories – 04.28.15
Heartfelt Thanks for Your Support – Distorting the Truth About Baltimore – Utrice expresses thanks for the outpouring of love and support after yesterday’s program. A deliberate effort is being made to distort the crisis in Baltimore. Utrice explains why.
Going Rogue: 15 Ways to Detach From the System – Tess Pennington
I am inspired by the very definition of self-reliance: to be reliant on one’s own capabilities, judgment, or resources. Ultimately, it is the epitome of independence and lays the groundwork of what we are all striving for – to live a life based on our personal principles and beliefs. It is a concept rooted in the groundwork that made America great. Being dependent on our own …
The memory center in the brains of seniors who volunteered in public schools for two years maintained their size, rather than shrinking as part of the normal aging process, report researchers. The findings suggest that retirees who take part in meaningful social activity can prevent shrinkage in their brains’ memory centers and avert age-related cognitive problems. In men, the researchers found, the …