Dr. Ludwig Watzal – ISIS’ Main Enemy Is Saudi Arabia Not Israel

In several of my German articles I have been arguing that an “Islamic State” doesn’t make any sense without the control over the sacred sites of Islam, Mecca and Medina. That is why, so my reasoning, ISIS should not have attacked Al-Assad or the Al-Abadi regime, not to speak of Israel, but the Wahhabite Salafist Saudi Arabian dictatorship. This regime …

Ask Beatty – 10.12.15

Beatty talked about how preventive mental health programs in the schools would help early on to identify and treat problem children and their families who grow up to be angry, alienated, lonely and violent adults. She also discussed recent findings that show “the effectiveness of talk therapy is overstated” and shared her 35 year clinical experience outlying what in her view effective therapy is and is not.

Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 09.24.15


Attorney JAMES OTTO talks about his California lawsuit against the Disney giant for dumping its American workers and forcing them to train their own“cheaper” replacements being brought in from India. According to Otto, this global scam involves the loss of millions of American jobs including nearly a thousand at Disney. It’s a fascinating portrait of yet another corporate assault on the American workforce, this time at the iconic place where “dreams come true.”


The second half-hour of our show is with STEVE ROSENFELD of AlterNet. His powerful new piece covers a major report from the prestigious BRENNAN CENTER of New York University, one of America’s leading authorities on our voting process. Steve’s piece underscores the finding that the voting apparatus about to be used to decide who will be our next president is obsolete, falling apart and very easily hackable. Brennan stops well short of issuing a meaningful warning about how the election could be stolen.

But we do not. Steve is a strong source of expertise on this most important issue for American democracy, and we only begin to scratch the surface.