This is the first of four consecutive hours with Peter C. Gøtzsche MD, author of Deadly Psychiatry and Organized Denial.
Nadia Prupis – Wall Street and Private Prisons ‘Licking Their Lips’ Over Trump Presidency
A new report from the research organization In the Public Interest (ITPI) highlights the banks that finance the private prison industry—and with a Trump administration on the horizon, they could be in for a windfall. Six banks have played a major part in bankrolling the two largest private prison firms, CoreCivic (formerly the Corrections Corporation of America) and the GEO …
Deirdre Fulton – Report Shows US Corporate Tax Dodging Still Rampant, Still Legal
A new report released Tuesday reveals how “U.S.-based multinational corporations are allowed to play by a different set of rules than small and domestic businesses or individuals when it comes to paying taxes”—to the tune of more than $100 billion every year. The analysis from the U.S. PIRG Education Fund, Citizens for Tax Justice, and the Institute on Taxation and Economic …
Peter Van Buren – It’s Personal – Apologizing to My Daughter for the Last 15 Years of War
I recently sent my last kid off for her senior year of college. There are rituals to such moments, and because dad-confessions are not among them, I just carried boxes and kept quiet. But what I really wanted to say to her — rather than see you later, call this weekend, do you need money? — was: I’m sorry. Like …
KENNETH J. SALTMAN – Wall Street’s Latest Public Sector Rip-Off: Five Myths About Pay for Success
Investment banks such as Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, and J.P. Morgan, philanthropies such as the Rockefeller Foundation, politicians such as Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Massachusetts former governor and now Bain Capital Managing Director Deval Patrick, and elite universities such as Harvard have been aggressively promoting Pay for Success (also known as Social Impact Bonds) as a solution to …
World’s Banks Driving Climate Chaos with Hundreds of Billions in Extreme Energy Financing
Turning their backs on climate science and the consensus of governments and civil society across the globe, the world’s biggest banks are dangerously advancing the climate crisis by pumping hundreds of billions of dollars into the world’s most polluting fossil fuel industries, according to a new report published Tuesday. The report, $horting the Climate: Fossil Fuel Finance Report Card 2016 (pdf), put …
It’s a Small World at the Top: Which Corporations Control the World?
A surprisingly small number of corporations control massive global market shares. How many of the brands below do you use? It’s a Small World at the Top: Banking Largest banks hold a total of $25.1 trillion:[1] 1.) ICBC, China, $2.95 trillion in assets, over 18,000 outlets, 108 branches globally 2.) HSBC holdings, UK, $2.68 trillion in assets, 6,600 offices in …
JP Sottile – America Excels in Business of Death
Who says nothing is made in the USA anymore? Certainly not the well-heeled denizens of the State Department’s diplomatic corps. And they should know. That’s because they’re stationed on the frontlines of the ongoing battle to preserve Uncle Sam’s dominant market share of the global weapons trade. Luckily for the Military-Industrial Complex, it turns out that “Made in the USA” …
5 Major Banks Rigged US $9trn Bond Market: Lawsuit
The Bank of America, Credit Agricole SA, Credit Suisse Group AG, Deutsche Bank AG, and Nomura Holdings were named as defendants. Five major banks and four traders were sued on Wednesday in a private U.S. lawsuit claiming they conspired to rig prices worldwide in a more than US$9 trillion market for bonds issued by government-linked organizations and agencies. Bank of America Corp , Credit …
Michael Snyder – 6 Giant Corporations Control The Media, And Americans Consume 10 Hours Of ‘Programming’ A Day
If you allow someone to pump hours of “programming” into your mind every single day, it is inevitable that it is eventually going to have a major impact on how you view the world. In America today, the average person consumes approximately 10 hours of information, news and entertainment a day, and there are 6 giant media corporations that overwhelmingly …