It’s Our Money with Ellen Brown – Alternating Currency – 06.14.17

Global monetary expert Bernard Lietaer has said that a country would be more stable financially if it had multiple currencies focused on specific sectors of the economy – the idea being that if one goes down, the others can continue to provide needed financial services. Ellen’s guest is Lionel Denenberg, the tech genius behind PayServices, a crypto-currency concept already authorized …

John Ficene – China currency devaluation signals endgame leaving equity markets free to collapse under the weight of impossible expectations

When the banking crisis crippled global markets seven years ago, central bankers stepped in as lenders of last resort. Profligate private-sector loans were moved on to the public-sector balance sheet and vast money-printing gave the global economy room to heal. Time is now rapidly running out. From China to Brazil, the central banks have lost control and at the same …

Why The Powers That Be Are Pushing A Cashless Society

Martin Armstrong summarizes the headway being made to ban cash,  and argues that the goal of those pushing a cashless society is to prevent bank runs … and increase their control: The central banks are … planning drastic restrictions on cash itself. They see moving to electronic money will first eliminate the underground economy, but secondly, they believe it will even prevent …