On this eighth show Vince presents his highly anticipated commentary on human nature. The term has been misused and misunderstood and he will prove it. But first he gives a short update on Syria and how it is being perceived by people who support killing Assad. In the musical segment Vince explains that he doesn’t hate America like some righties …
Focus On The Facts – 04.24.18
Patricia Negron and I covered the methods now being used to take down the Global Pedophile Network and the involvement of the Vatican, governments, politicians and world leaders in running this Network. Also discussed latest news on child trafficking arrests, Geoengineering weather warfare and the illegal war in Syria. Download this episode (right click and save)
The Torch – 04.23.18
Nadya Tannous represents Interfaith Peace Builders to Israel/Palestine. IFPB organizes diverse delegations to Israel/Palestine to become a grassroots force to change their own communities and create a new reality for Israel and Palestine. They work to end the crippling border blockade of Gaza by Israel and the return of Palestinians to their land on Israel. Alexey Yaroshevsky Senior Russian TV …
Expat Files – 04.22.18
Descriptions- EXPAT FILES SHOW #753-SUN, APR 22- (04-22-2018): #1- Words of wisdom from gringos who left the US a long while back and are now expert expats. #2- The seedy side of gringos and expats: If you want to see the dark side of gringo life and meet gringos and expats who’ve gone native check out the nearest gringo/expat bar …
Expat Files – 04.20.18
Descriptions- EXPAT FILES SHOW #752-FRI, APR 20- (04-20-2018): #1- 101 reasons why I don’t use Flakebook, Titter Linkedin or any of the other antisocial media platforms, nor do I have a Smartphone: Listen to this rant if you dare. It’s guaranteed to ruin your day and give your stomach that sad, sinking feeling. #2- A few more words about the …
He’s brought back hostages from North Korea, Cuba,Iraq and Sudan. He was governor of New Mexico, US ambassador the UN. He won my vote for president in 2008. Bill Richardson’s record is exceedingly impressive. On the first half, Governor Richardson talks about Myanmar, North Korea, and what American leadership could and should look like. And on part 2 international journalist …
Expat Files – 04.15.18
Descriptions- EXPAT FILES SHOW #751- SUN, APR 15- (04-15-2018): #1- The brutal truth about persistent bad smells in so many Latin restaurant restrooms and Latin bathrooms: Some smells will knock you over though most Latinos don’t seem to mind or even notice them. That’s just another something gringos and expats never seem to get used to- why should we? Problem …
Ask The Blood Detective – Studies Show Little Benefit in Supplements (New York Times) – 04.14.18
The New York Times just came out with two stories that strongly deny any benefit of the use of nutritional supplements. Dr. Wald will review every major point contained within these articles. According to Dr. Wald, “Well there you have it! I am not undeniably convinced that there is an actual conspiracy regarding the use of vitamins and the medical …
Alternative Visions – Paul Ryan Resigns & Trump’ Trade Retreat – 04.13.18
Dr. Rasmus discusses House Speaker, Paul Ryan’s, announcement this past week to resign and what’s behind it. It’s not about spending more time with his kids or giving up on Trump. What it means for conservative plans to attach social security, medicare, education and other social programs to pay for the annual $1 trillion budget deficits for the next ten …
The Plutocracy Report – 04.13.18
The sixth show of the Plutocracy Report, Vince gets right in to Syria and the alleged chemical attack. Then he talks about good journalists and how we may be losing our freedom to information soon if we don’t fight for it now. He then draws an example of what we did to Libya in 2011 and how the mass media …