Peter Van Buren – Why Don’t the Candidates Talk About Afghanistan?

Heading into its sixteenth year, with no endpoint in sight, America’s longest war is its least talked about. Afghanistan has not come up in any Republican or Democratic debate, except perhaps as one of a list of countries where Islamic State must be destroyed (left out is the reality that no Islamic State existed in 2001 when the U.S. invaded …

Stephen Lendman – Stark Differences: Jeremy Corbyn vs. Bernie Sanders

Differences between them are stark. Sanders is more opportunist than populist, nearly always supporting Democrat pro-war, pro-Israel, pro-business, anti-human/civil rights policies – voting with party members 98% of the time, more than most Democrats, polar opposite his high-minded rhetoric, hiding his real agenda. In over three decades as a Labour party member, Corbyn opposed its policies over 500 times – …