Amanda Terillo is a Registered Dietitian practicing in Central Virginia. Throughout her career she has worked with clients who had various medical issues nsuch as cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, renal disease, liver disease, cancer, diabetes and weight management. Amanda does not believe in diets, but in creating eating habits that fit into your lifestyle for long-term success. She helps …
THICH NHAT HANH – The Practice of Sangha
Thich Nhat Hanh explains that sangha is more than a community, it’s a deep spiritual practice. A sangha is a community of friends practicing the dharma together in order to bring about and to maintain awareness. The essence of a sangha is awareness, understanding, acceptance, harmony and love. When you do not see these in a community, it is not …
Warrior Connection – 12.27.15
The December 27 edition of Warrior Connection was a discussion with author – investigative journalist Bob Koehler on PTSD and also peace- social justice issues based on his column for this week.