Online Pornography and Young Minds

Just a few weeks earlier, Jesse was excited to start grade five and share with his friends all the good stories he had from summer camp and playing baseball. But this past week, Jesse’s father noticed his son’s behavior was changing quite dramatically. Usually eager to share what he was learning in math and science, Jesse gave a simple shrug …

Study: Avoiding blame is smart way to resolve family conflicts

A UT Dallas researcher says there’s a smart way for children and parents to disagree—and it doesn’t involve casting blame. Dr. Jackie Nelson, assistant professor in the School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences, said parents and children who focused discussions on future-oriented planning, rather than accusations and culpability, were more likely to reach a compromise in which both parents’ and children’s goals …

The Pathology of the Rich White Family – Chris Hedges

The pathology of the rich white family is the most dangerous pathology in America. The rich white family is cursed with too much money and privilege. It is devoid of empathy, the result of lifetimes of entitlement. It has little sense of loyalty and lacks the capacity for self-sacrifice. Its definition of friendship is reduced to “What can you do …