The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 11.02.16

Wonderful Pam Popper, premier scientific nutritionist and successful innovator, will educate and inspire you about the real road to overall health. Listen and come to her stunning wellness conference in Columbus OH. I will be presenting and in the mornings amid a full day of great scientific presenters.

Joshua Holland – Are We Training Cops to Be Hyper-Aggressive ‘Warriors’?

Race dominated the coverage of the 2014 shooting of John Crawford. Crawford was a young black man gunned down by white cops in a Beaverton Creek, Ohio, Walmart as he talked to his girlfriend on the phone while absentmindedly holding a BB gun he had grabbed from a store shelf. Ohio is an “open-carry” state where it’s perfectly legal to …

A Letter From Black America: Yes, we fear the police. Here’s why.

Last July 4, my family and I went to Long Island to celebrate the holiday with a friend and her family. After eating some barbecue, a group of us decided to take a walk along the ocean. The mood on the beach that day was festive. Music from a nearby party pulsed through the haze of sizzling meat. Lovers strolled …