Andrea Germanos – On Day One, Trump’s Scrubs Every Mention of Combating Climate Change

Soon after Donald Trump took his oath as the 45the President of the United States, the new White House web page for his administration went up. Among the key differences from the previous administration’s—the lack of any reference to the threat of climate change. While climate change was listed as a top issue on the Obama White House official site, …

Sarah DeWeerdt – Cities Are Driving Rapid Evolutionary Changes to Plant and Animal Species

Cities are driving rapid evolutionary changes to plant and animal species, according to a study published yesterday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Usually, we think of evolution as happening in remote, isolated, or pristine places—the Galapagos Islands, for example. But the new findings suggest that scientists can’t understand evolution as it’s currently occurring without grappling with the …

The Gary Null Show – 12.26.16

Today On The Gary Null Show, Gary opens up the program with a powerful health and healing segment that covers a number of different topics like anti againg and better supplements to take. After a musical break paying tribute to the late George Michael, Gary Null opens up some commentaries on the homless problem happening in our country and the the state of the politcal parties. Commentary by Professor Henry Grioux as well.

Rosanne Lindsay – Say Goodbye To The Gene Theory

Sometimes it is necessary to say goodbye to those things that no longer serve you, whether they be partners, friends, or theories. Remember that old adage, “the more things change, the more they stay the same?” Well that’s an oxymoron. Don’t be afraid to throw out old adages along with the bathwater. And don’t be afraid to question long-held dictates …

César Chelala – Poverty: The Dark Side of the American Empire

If we have learned anything from this last presidential election it’s that poverty continues to be an ignored concept by president-elect Trump and by U. S. politicians. Although both avoid using the word like a naked man avoids a poisonous snake, poverty is integral to the current reality of the U.S. socio- political landscape. The selection by president- elect Trump …

Dr. Mercola – How to Prevent Hearing Loss and Improve Your Hearing With Nutrition

You’re probably aware that certain nutrients can support optimal vision, but did you know your hearing may benefit from certain foods as well? If you have trouble hearing, or notice that your hearing is not as good as it used to be, your diet (and/or additional supplementation) may hold the answer. In fact, nutritional imbalances are increasingly thought to be …

The Gary Null Show – 12.07.16

Today on The Gary Null Show, Gary gives the listeners advice/different ways to stay calm and how it benefits you, the topic of probiotics for multiple sclerosis and chemotherapy. In the second half of the program Gary plays a very important clip about the BBC explaing how they got caught staging fake news. After that extended clip Gary opens up the phone lines so the audience can give their thoughts.

Helen Pidd – Men killed 900 women in six years in England and Wales, figures show

More than 900 women were killed by men in England and Wales over a six-year period, most by their current or former partners, according to the first detailed analysis of deadly male violence against women in those countries. The Femicide Census, which tracks and analyses the deaths of women killed by partners, ex-partners, male relatives, acquaintances, colleagues and strangers, was …