Download this episode (right click and save) We’re all coming into greater consciousness (although it doesn’t look like it) and need to learn what to expect of our minds. I guess it depends on what aspect of our minds we look to. On the unconscious side, our minds know the deepest aspects of ourselves and our lives and likely run …
LOA Today – 09.14.17
We’re up to Chapter 4: How Can I Get There from Here? This chapter answers one of the most common questions asked by new practitioners of the Law of Attraction: “Why is it taking me so long to get what I want?” It has nothing to do with not wanting it enough, not being intelligent enough, not being worthy, or …
LOA Today – 08.31.17
We move on to Chapter 2 this week of Ask And It Is Given, by Abraham-Hicks. The chapter starts off with some poignant questions that set the tone for what they want to explain to us. Do you know what you want? Do you know that you are the creator of your own experience? Are you enjoying the evolution of your desire? Do …
Martha Rosenberg – Early Puberty in Girls Is Becoming Epidemic and Getting Worse
Padded bras for kindergarteners [3] with growing breasts to make them more comfortable? Sixteen percent of U.S. girls experiencing breast development by the age [4] of 7? Thirty percent by the age of 8? Clearly something is affecting the hormones of U.S. girls—a phenomenon also seen in other developed countries. Girls in poorer countries seem to be spared—until they move [5] to developed countries. No scientists dispute that precocious …
Love Lust And Laughter – 10.13.15
Did you know that October is Kink Month? What better way to acknowledge and celebrate kink than with Dr. Susan Block! She returned to the program with a focus on Bonobo BDSM. Her book is “THE BONOBO WAY – The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure” (, and there are many comparisons between humans and bonobos. People who practice BDSM tend to prioritize sex – they make time for it, they’re accepting of their sexuality, and they communicate openly with their partner. With bonobos there is a dominant/submissive hierarchy; in managing their aggression, they turn it into sex, keeping the peace. In their matriarchal communities, the females share the rule, brokering peace. In fact, all those interested in human happiness should read this book!