Chris Draper – Are mass whale deaths and locust swarms an ominous warning to the world?

Beached whale carcasses and locus infestations sound like Biblical plagues straight from the Old Testament, but they are a reality afflicting segments of the globe. Consequently, many people are wondering whether these episodes are an ominous warning to the rest of the world. Last January, the UK Cetacean Strandings Investigation Programme unveiled information that 1,000 whales, dolphins and porpoises (cetaceans) …

Brittany Wienke – 11 Tips for Conserving Water

Taking a long hot shower is something many of us take for granted, just like turning on the tap when we need to drink, bathe or cook. But for the 750 million people [3] around the world who lack access to clean and safe water, finding enough to cook, clean, or bathe with is a harrowing daily ordeal. By 2030, almost half the world’s population [4] will …

Scientists mystified by unusual strandings of large sea creatures on West Coast

Beach mystery: Another dead whale washes up in Pacifica — For the second time in three weeks, a dead whale has washed up on [the same beach]… “Something’s going on with nature,” said Ralph Clement… “This is kind of eerie. What are the odds of two whales in the same place? It has to mean something.”… “This is just not supposed …