Harvey Wasserman – Nuclear’s Last Stand? New York’s Cuomo Rushes in to Save Dying Plants

New York’s “liberal” Governor Andrew Cuomo is trying to ram through a complex backdoor bailout package worth up to $11 billion to keep at least four dangerously decrepit nuclear reactors operating. To many proponents of safe energy, the move comes as a shock. Its outcome will have monumental consequences for nuclear power and the future of our energy supply. For years, Governor …

Infectious Myth – Joel Savage on Belgium, AIDS and Ebola – 06.28.16

David interviews Joel Savage on AIDS and Ebola, and the dark role of Belgium in African history. Although Joel has worked with Dr. Johan van Dongen on the theory that HIV and Ebola viruses are laboratory engineered, and David is skeptical of this theory, not accepting that there is any evidence the viruses exist, it is still an interesting discussion. Why are there still statues of King Leopold of Belgium who killed a similar number of Africans as Hitler killed Jews? And is the west really helping Africa when it comes to disease, or just using the perceived hopelessness for profit?

You can find out more about Joel’s work at: https://joelsavage1.wordpress.com

The book on AIDS and Ebola that Joel co-authored with Dr. van Dongen can be found at: https://www.amazon.com/Greatest-Medical-History-Against-Mankind-ebook/dp/B016W89W1G/

David also discusses the Orlando Pulse massacre and a recent Journal of the American Medical Association on trends in homicides and suicides, with and without guns, in Australia, before and after strict gun laws were enacted and enforced in 1996 and 1997:

Keli Tianga – As Boomers Retire, Mom-and-Pop Businesses Convert to Co-ops to Save Jobs

Susanne Ward and her husband, Patrick Reilley, moved from California to Maine in 1992 with plans of starting their own business. They decided on a used bookstore and coffee house, as they felt both good coffee and good books were in short supply in their new neighborhood. Located in the city of Rockland, Rock City (named for the limestone quarries …

Jon Kofas – Western Xenophobia, Islam And The Third World

Xenophobia has been on the rise in the last two decades in the Western World and it has influenced the political arena not just of conservative parties moving toward a more right wing course, but even centrist ones under pressure to “protect” the nation from perceived external threats. Is rising xenophobia a reflection of rising nationalism and conservatism in the …


You walk into a room and suddenly your brain goes fuzzy with an overwhelming wave of familiarity—although this is a totally new experience. Like something out of a sci-fi plot, it almost seems as if you’ve walked into the future. Chances are, you’ve experienced this situation, known as déjà vu, during your life. Déjà vu (French for “already seen”) occurs …

The War on Savings: The Panama Papers, Bail-Ins, and the Push to Go Cashless

Exposing tax dodgers is a worthy endeavor, but the “limited hangout” of the Panama Papers may have less noble ends, dovetailing with the War on Cash and the imminent threat of massive bail-ins of depositor funds. The bombshell publication of the “Panama Papers,” leaked from a Panama law firm specializing in shell companies, has triggered both outrage and skepticism. In …

Joe Lauria – Why We’re Never Told Why We’re Attacked

After a Russian commercial airliner was downed over Egypt’s Sinai last October, Western media reported that the Islamic State bombing was retaliation against Russian airstrikes in Syria. The killing of 224 people, mostly Russian tourists on holiday, was matter-of-factly treated as an act of war by a fanatical group without an air force resorting to terrorism as a way to strike back. …


KINCENTIAL SCIENCES, a company with an innovative line of cosmetic products marketed as a way to erase blemishes and soften skin, has caught the attention of beauty bloggers on YouTube, Oprah’s lifestyle magazine, and celebrity skin care professionals. Documents obtained by The Intercept reveal that the firm has also attracted interest and funding from In-Q-Tel, the venture capital arm of the Central Intelligence Agency. The previously undisclosed relationship with the CIA might …

Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 03.31.16

Can terrorists radiate all of New York by attacking Indian Point?
This devastating question is answered by the great Karl Grossman, lifelong journalist and professor, expert on atomic energy and author of numerous books on the catastrophic issues surrounding atomic energy. A Long Island resident, Karl gives us a complete excursion through the terrifying possibilities of how the Indian Point reactors could release huge quantities of radiation into the New York City environment, ultimately killing millions of innocent human beings and other living things. In the wake of terror attacks in Belgium, Karl has authored a major article circulating through the internet on how all the world’s reactors are profoundly vulnerable to such assaults. Indian Point is also at risk from earthquakes, and is situated at the juncture of two large seismic fault-lines. The unmistakable message: SHUT ALL NUKES NOW. Coming from Karl Grossman, the reasons are obvious and unmistakable.

KARL GROSSMAN – Nuclear Power Plants: Pre-Deployed WMDs

Pre-deployed weapons of mass destruction. That’s what nuclear power plants are. And that’s another very big reason—demonstrated again in recent days with the disclosure that two of the Brussels terrorists were planning attacks on Belgian nuclear plants—why they must be eliminated. Nuclear power plants are sitting ducks for terrorists. With most positioned along bays and rivers because of their need for massive …