The Gary Null Show – 12.16.15

Dr. Christine Horner is a nationally recognized surgeon, complementary physician, author and a vocal advocate for natural approaches to women’s health. She was instrumental in the passing of a national bill signed by President Clinton that required insurance companies to pay for breast reconstruction following mastectomy. She writes columns for the Breast Cancer Wellness Magazine and Wellbella, and her writings are featured in dozens of women’s magazines. She has received numerous awards for her work in promoting alternative medical approaches to health. Her groundbreaking book on natural approaches to preventing and treating breast cancer through diet, lifestyle, herbs and supplements is “Waking the Warrior Goddess: Program to Protect Against and Fight Breast Cancer,” which received the Independent Publisher Best Book Award of the Year for Health, Medicine and Nutrition. Her website is DrChristineHorner. com

Leid Stories – 12.15.15

‘Terrorism’ Bolsters Republican ‘Debate’ and CNN’s Bid for Campaign Ad Dollars
The fifth—and, gratefully, last—Republican big-media Q&A (it’s not a debate) for 2015 airs tonight. Staged at The Venetian, the resort hotel and casino in Las Vegas, the Q&A is actually a two-parter—an undercard of four candidates who didn’t quite make the cut in the polls, and the main event featuring nine others who did. It shouldn’t surprise that “terrorism” and related issues—immigration, homeland security, ISIS and, of course, the “good” Muslims/”bad” Muslims racist canard—will dominate the discussion; it’s the kind of political hash that presidential hopefuls would feast upon and willingly share out to voters. But big media is after big money, and CNN gets to make the point tonight to all pols and parties concerned why it deserves the lion’s share of the $5 billion in campaign advertising industry analysts say is up for grabs in the 2016 election cycle, the costliest in U.S. history.

Mark Bowden – Donald Trump Really Doesn’t Want Me to Tell You This, But…

 spent a long, awkward weekend with Donald Trump in November 1996, an experience I feel confident neither of us would like to repeat. He was like one of those characters in an 18th-century comedy meant to embody a particular flavor of human folly. Trump struck me as adolescent, hilariously ostentatious, arbitrary, unkind, profane, dishonest, loudly opinionated, and consistently wrong. He …

Travis Gettys – Fear not: More Americans support Bernie Sanders than Donald Trump — no matter what TV says

As the Donald Trump campaign turns from farce to tribulation, it’s worth noting that millions more Americans support Bernie Sanders than the Republican frontrunner. Trump’s level of national support is 30.4 percent of GOP primary voters, according to the average calculated by Real Clear Politics, while Sanders remains in second place among Democratic primary voters with a 30.8 percent average …

Hillary Clinton Called Out for Hypocrisy on Islamophobia

Eleven advocacy organizations on Thursday accused former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of sending “mixed messages” on Islamophobia by denouncing fellow 2016 presidential candidate Donald Trump’s racist rhetoric, yet retaining retired general Wesley Clark as a campaign surrogate—despite his previous call to intern some Muslim-Americans. Clark, a longtime ally to Clinton, recently spoke in Iowa on her behalf for Veteran’s …

Ben Norton – Sam Harris can’t be redeemed: Defining hypocrisy of the New Atheist movement

Anti-religious prophet Sam Harris has, once again, exposed the conservatism at the heart of the so-called “New Atheist” movement. In the November episode of his “Waking Up” podcast, Sam Harris spoke with seasoned neoconservative pundit Douglas Murray about Islam, liberalism and the refugee crisis. Harris frequently flexes his liberal bona fides, yet the two spent much of the conversation in …

Janet Allon – Latest Poll: Sanders Handily Trounces All Top Republicans—Yeah, Including Trump

Nothing seems to touch Donald Trump, it seems, whose lead in the Republican race for president has stayed solid and even grown as Ben Carson fades. Nothing except possibly the “Bern” man. According to a new Quinnipiac poll released Wednesday [3], both Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton handily beat any top Republican candidates. Here are Sanders’ latest numbers: Topping Trump …

Larry Schwartz – 5 Outrageously Expensive and Useless Defense Projects You and I Are Paying for

Republican candidates for president have all sang out in less-than-beautiful harmony about cutting taxes for the very rich and miraculously balancing the budget at the same time. They have also sworn they will increase military spending. Many of them are urging a full-scale war on ISIS and Donald Trump is even ready to commit war crimes in order to defeat them. …

Henry A. Giroux – Fascism in Donald Trump’s United States

Donald Trump’s blatant appeal to fascist ideology and policy considerations took a more barefaced and dangerous turn this week when he released a statement calling for “a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.” Trump qualified this racist appeal to voters’ fears about Muslims by stating that such a ban is necessary “until our country’s representatives can …

Infectious Myth – War Peace and Lesser Concerns – 12.08.15

In Episode 82 David discusses the causes of violence around the world, particularly gun violence in the United States. He also addresses political correctness, in the form of campus protests, good and bad, and also the notion of “Cultural Appropriation”. And speaking of politically correct, he addresses science that is politically correct, but perhaps not scientifically correct.