John Perkins – The Deeper, Darker Meaning Behind Not Closing Guantánamo

The other night on John Oliver’s HBO program, I saw a funny montage of President Obama repeatedly stating his intention to close Guantanamo. In the beginning, the youthful president was unequivocal. But with each successive news clip—and as his hair became increasingly grayer—Mr. Obama became less emphatic. He was practically conciliatory in his last public statement about closing the offshore …

Arnold August – The Hand of Washington in the “Election Coups” in Venezuela

On December 7, 2015, after the December 6 elections, the White House indicated in a press briefing: “What is clear is that the people of Venezuela have expressed their overwhelming desire for a change in direction.  And what is necessary is for all of the parties involved to engage in a dialogue about the future of that country mindful of …