Leid Stories—Free Your Mind! Say What You Mean, Mean What You Say!—03.23.18

See who salutes when you run your insightful opinions and ideas up the Leid Stories’ “Free Your Mind Friday” flagpole. It’s the best open forum on the planet—a popular gathering place for the intellectually curious and politically aware. Unfurl your flag (call 888-874-4888). Let’s see your colors come shining through! Download this episode (right click and save)

Rosanne Lindsay – Say Goodbye To The Gene Theory

Sometimes it is necessary to say goodbye to those things that no longer serve you, whether they be partners, friends, or theories. Remember that old adage, “the more things change, the more they stay the same?” Well that’s an oxymoron. Don’t be afraid to throw out old adages along with the bathwater. And don’t be afraid to question long-held dictates …

Prof. James Petras – The Age of Imperial Wars From Regional War, “Regime Change” to Global Warfare

2015 has become a year of living dangerously. Wars are spreading across the globe.  Wars are escalating as new countries are bombed and the old are ravaged with ever greater intensity. Countries, where relatively peaceful changes had taken place through recent elections, are now on the verge of civil wars. These are wars without victors, but plenty of losers; wars …

The Cognitive Short-Circuit of “Artificial Consciousness” – Bernardo Kastrup

The new sci-fi film Ex_Machina has been teasing back into the cultural dialogue dreams of artificial consciousness: the idea that we humans, through the Faustian power of technology, can birth into being mechanisms capable of inner life, subjectivity and affection. Since these dreams are entirely based on implicit assumptions about the nature of consciousness and reality at large, I thought a few …