“Eleanor LeCain talks about our protecting our national parks with Theresa Pierno, President & CEO of the National Parks Conservation Association, an independent non-profit organization working to protect and preserve our nation’s most iconic and inspirational places for present and future generations.” Download this episode (right click and save)
Rosanne Lindsay – Say Goodbye To The Gene Theory
Sometimes it is necessary to say goodbye to those things that no longer serve you, whether they be partners, friends, or theories. Remember that old adage, “the more things change, the more they stay the same?” Well that’s an oxymoron. Don’t be afraid to throw out old adages along with the bathwater. And don’t be afraid to question long-held dictates …
Can humans regenerate body parts like acorn worms?
Washington D.C. [USA], Nov. 29 (ANI): Is it possible for humans to regrow an amputated arm or leg, or completely restore nervous system function after a spinal cord injury? It might be possible one day, as a new study of one of our closest invertebrate relatives, the acorn worm, reveals that acorn worms can regrow every major body part, raising …
Ellen Brown – The War on Weed Part II: Monsanto, Bayer, and the Push for Corporate Cannabis
California’s “Adult Use of Marijuana Act” (AUMA) is a voter initiative characterized as legalizing marijuana use. But critics warn that it will actually make access more difficult and expensive, squeeze home growers and small farmers out of the market, heighten criminal sanctions for violations, and open the door to patented, genetically modified (GMO) versions that must be purchased year after year. …
RODRIGUE TREMBLAY – Barack Obama’s Legacy: What Happened?
“The evil that men do lives after them.” — William Shakespeare (1564-1616), ‘Julius Caesar’ “The Constitution supposes, what the History of all Governments demonstrates, that the Executive is the branch of power most interested in war and most prone to it. It has accordingly with studied care, vested the question of war in the Legislature… —No nation could preserve its …
The Gary Null Show – 09.04.15
Anthony Samsel is an independent research scientist and consultant deeply concerned with public health. In the past he was a research chemist for Arthur D Little and has consulted for JBF Scientific and the US EPA. In recent years Anthony has focused his independent research into the adverse risks of agricultural chemicals, particularly Monsanto’s glyphosate or Roundup, and publishing his findings, in collaboration with Dr. Stephanie Seneff at MIT, on its relationship to cancer and other diseases. Their collaboration has produced 3 research papers published in the journal Entropy on the roundup-cancer relationship and a fourth paper will be published this month.
Dr. Stephanie Seneff is a senior research scientists at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. She holds four degrees from MIT including degrees in Biophysics and a PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. She is a fellow of the International Speech and Communication Association for her research in human auditory and language processing, and has published over 170 science papers during her career. In recent years, Dr. Seneff’s research has returned medical and health issues, micronutrient deficiencies and the negative health consequences of aluminum, glyphosate and statin drugs including their relationship to Alzheimers, autism, adverse vaccine reactions and other illnesses. Her website isPeople.Csail.MIT.edu/seneff
The Gary Null Show – 09.03.15
Andrew Harvey is an internationally renowned religious scholar, writer, teacher, and author of over thirty books. He is the founder of the Institute of Sacred Activism, an international organization dedicated to inspiring people to become more involved in challenging our global crises and commit themselves to peace and sustainability Andrew was born in India, studied at Oxford University, and has taught at Oxford, Cornell, the California Institute for Integral Studies and other institutions over the years. He is perhaps best known for having explored all the different religions in depth, particularly Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism and Sufism, and interpreting them in a passionate manner that preserves their meaning and significance for our own time. Andrew has received many awards for his writings including the Benjamin Franklin Award. Among his many books are “The Hope: A Guide To Sacred Activism” which won the Nautilus Silver Award for Social Change, and “Radical Passion: Sacred Love and Wisdom in Action”. His website is AndrewHarvey.net
John Whitehead – Sheep Led to the Slaughter: The Muzzling of Free Speech in America
“If the freedom of speech be taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”–George Washington The architects of the American police state must think we’re idiots. With every passing day, we’re being moved further down the road towards a totalitarian society characterized by government censorship, violence, corruption, hypocrisy and intolerance, all packaged for …
Does Happiness Lie Within?
I’m a great admirer of positive psychology, which has been a fantastic corrective to the traditional ‘disease model’ of psychology and has provided an extremely helpful examination of the different factors which constitute human well-being. However, I think there is one important aspect of human well-being which positive psychology has largely ignored. Positive psychologists have suggested that there are two main …