Teen girls see big drop in chemical exposure with switch in cosmetics

A new study led by researchers at UC Berkeley and Clinica de Salud del Valle de Salinas demonstrates how even a short break from certain kinds of makeup, shampoos and lotions can lead to a significant drop in levels of hormone-disrupting chemicals in the body. The results, published today in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives, came from a study of 100 Latina teenagers …

Resistance Radio – Doug Zachary – 12.20.15

Doug Zachary. He is 65 years old was born to Okie migrant farm laborers in California in 1949. From age 4-13 he lived in an ultra-nationalist orphanage near Dallas, Texas whose politics and pedagogy was informed by the John Birch Society. Like all his fellow male “inmates”, Doug wound up in the Marine Corps where he was awakened to a lifetime of radical curiosity, resistance and struggle.

Leid Stories – 11.13.15

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