In the hour preceding this particularly great hour of my own radio show, I watched myself flicker across the screen of a Dr. Oz television show titled “Is There a Link between Psychiatric Drugs and Violence?” Oz gives me a few seconds to say that the FDA confirms that antidepressants cause “hostility and aggression,” and then cuts me off as I’m …
Black Agenda Radio – 11.13.17
Download this episode (right click and save) Welcome to the radio magazine that brings you news, commentary and analysis from a Black Left perspective. I’m Glen Ford, along with my co-host Nellie Bailey. Coming up: a Black radical candidate explains how you can run a winning political campaign, even if you lose the election; and first, they stole the people’s right to vote, in Detroit, …
Economic Update – Economics and Family Values – 05.07.17
Updates on French election’s significance; Obama’s $400,000 bank speaking fee; US corp tax cuts; Wells Fargo “saved” by Warren Buffett; why bringing home US corps’ foreign profits just helps them. Interview Dr. Harriet Fraad on contradictions of “family values” in the US economy. Download this episode (right click and save)
Paul Buchheit – What the Narcissists Have Done to Our Jobs and Health
When Donald Trump blurted out that not paying his taxes “makes me smart,” he was revealing a truth about the American narcissist. Senator Lindsey Graham was being equally arrogant when he stated, “It’s really American to avoid paying taxes, legally…It’s a game we play.” The game has become very popular, with an incomprehensible three-quarters of Fortune 500 companies stashing profits …
JACK RASMUS – The $10 Trillion US Tax Giveaway – $10 Trillion More Proposed
From 2001 to 2016 US politicians have cut taxes on corporations and wealthy investors by no less than US$10 trillion. Another US$10 is coming. Proposals for more tax cuts now pending in Congress – plus proposals supported by Trump, Cruz, other Republican presidential candidates – will add another US$10 trillion in tax cuts. And, as from 2001 to 2016, the …
Trends This Week – Celente Slams Media for Underplaying Market Meltdowns – 01.13.16
Classic tell-it-like-it-is Gerald Celente. The master global forecaster breaks down how the mainstream media soft-peddled coverage of Wall Street’s worst opening of a new year in its history. Despite the Dow industrials plummeting more than 1,000 points to ring in the worst first week of the new year ever, and despite US stocks losing $1.36 trillion in value, and despite crude oil’s price tumbling 11 percent in one week, the business-media spin was that the strong jobs report proved the fundamentals of the economy were sound. Indeed, The New York Times, the self-anointed “Paper of Record,” featured the jobs report on page 1 while burying the Dow’s history-making dive on the lower-bottom left of the next-to-last page of the business section with the less-than-startling headline, “Markets slide to worst week in 4 years.” Even The Wall Street Journal’s top-of-the-page headline, “Bad week for stocks dims outlook,” played down the severity of the history-making market-mauling by overshadowing it with a dramatic front-page photo of a gunman shooting a policeman driving a squad car in Philadelphia. All essential indicators signal a global recession is not only inevitable, it’s imminent, just as the Trends Research Institute forecast last year. But the mainstream business media is passively waiting for the storm to blow over.
LOA Today – 08.13.15
Breathe your way to better health. Crazy talk? Hype? Nope. It’s science.
This week on LOA today, we look at the scientific evidence that shows that Eastern philosophers had it right all along. You can actually breathe your way to better health.
Andre Damon – Mass layoffs worldwide as corporate mergers near new record
Major transnational corporations, including Kraft, Motorola, Lenovo, Tyson and HTC have announced mass layoffs in recent days amid a boom in mergers and acquisitions, which are on track to hit a record this year. Processed foods maker Kraft Heinz Co said Wednesday that it would cut 2,500 jobs in North America, amounting to 5 percent of its global workforce. The …