Hillary Clinton has long struggled with younger voters, but the problem now threatens to cost her the election. Clinton’s address to millennials this week underscored her awareness of how…
As global warming has surged this year, so too has America’s ambition for heroic climate action. Politicians, economists, and activists have been looking to America’s…
In what's being described as a "2016 debate changer," a broad coalition of progressive lawmakers and organizations is launching on Thursday a new push for a national…
Last Thursday, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) announced that Wells Fargo was paying $185 million in fines and penalties for allowing its employees to open “more…
Listen to journalist, David Dayen, author of the new book “Chain of Title,” has recently investigated how global financial speculators are now using the corporate…
Listen to Margaret Flowers, MD, co-founder of Popular Resistance and #FlushtheTPP as she discusses her Senate run in the state of Maryland. A frequent guest…
The American people are again fully enthralled in the puppet show of national elections, and while arguments grow ever-more heated and partisan, the fact remains that…
Democratic National Committee bylaws would come into play The DNC's guidelines state that, if Clinton was to drop out, it would have to be completely her…
The naive hopes of Bernie Sanders’ supporters—to build a grass-roots political movement, change the Democratic Party from within and push Hillary Clinton to the left—have…
The post-Labor Day campaign push customarily is an all-out effort to lock down votes in the final stretch of a presidential election. But election 2016…
Modern presidential election campaigns are exercises in mind-shrinkage. The failings and mischiefs of the candidates monopolize our attention and lies flourish like a toxic algae…
Although the 2016 Democratic Convention came and went quickly this summer, disturbing questions that it raised for many U.S. progressives linger. How could Bernie Sanders,…