Capitalism and Democracy: A Plausible Coexistence?
The answer to the above proposition, generally, would be a resounding “Yes!” But ask Tariq Ali, renowned political commentator, author and leftist thinker, whether capitalism and democracy can coexist, and you’ll get an entirely different point of view.
With both elements deeply embedded in the American psyche and political discourse, Leid Stories joins Ali at a presentation in which he goes to the heart of the matter.
Ralph Nader – The Democrats’ Presidential Debates: Underway and Underwhelming
Who thought this up – Giving a private corporation (CNN) control of a presidential debate? In the most recent Democratic presidential debate, CNN controlled which candidates were invited, who asked what questions, and the location, Las Vegas – the glittering, gambling center of America. This is a mirror image of the control Fox News exercised during their Republican candidates’ circus. …
Matt Taibbi – Hillary Clinton’s Take on Banks Won’t Hold Up
The inaugural Democratic debate Tuesday night was a strange show. It felt like two different programs. One was a screwball comedy starring red-faced ex-Marine Jim Webb and retired Keebler elf Lincoln Chafee, whose Rhode Island roots highlighted the Farrelly brothers feel of his performance. The latter’s “I voted to repeal the Glass-Steagall Act because it was my first day at …
Sheldon Richman – Beware the Anti-Politician Politician: They Still Want to Rule!
The good news about the presidential election season is that so many voters seem disgusted with career politicians. The bad news is that these voters are naively opting for “outsiders” who in reality are just politicians in another form. They are anti-politician politicians. This, I submit, is not progress. It is certainly a hopeful sign that perhaps more people than …
MATT TAIBBI – Hillary Clinton’s Take on Banks Won’t Hold Up
The inaugural Democratic debate Tuesday night was a strange show. It felt like two different programs. One was a screwball comedy starring red-faced ex-Marine Jim Webb and retired Keebler elf Lincoln Chafee, whose Rhode Island roots highlighted the Farrelly brothers feel of his performance. The latter’s “I voted to repeal the Glass-Steagall Act because it was my first day at …
It’s Our Money with Ellen Brown – Too Big to Exist – 10.14.15
Nature limits all systems — nothing grows forever. Economic systems built around growth, like ours, are no different. Ellen revisits that topic with bio-mimicist Jamie Brown-Hansen about what scientific inquiry into natural systems teaches regarding sustainable economic systems that last for eras rather than just decades. The theme is picked up by Bernie Sanders as he reflects on the precarious nature of our national economy while Matt Stannard considers what’s not being addressed on the topic by the presidential candidates. And co-host Walt McRee talks with New Hampshire State Representative Valerie Fraser about the movement underway there to create a public State bank.
Leid Stories – 10.13.15
Paying Their Way to Poverty: How Ferguson Is Forced Into Bankruptcy
Money Talks: Behind the Most Expensive Presidential Race in U.S. History
In the immediate aftermath of the Aug. 9 killing of Michael Brown by ex-cop Darryl Wilson last year, Ferguson, Missouri, became yet another symbol of legalized and enforced social, political and economic apartheid in America. It was the basis for nationwide mobilization; it was an open admission in a slew of official inquiries and reports.
Civil unrest has died down with the promise of administrative “reforms.” But the majority-Black city of 21,000 is still in the grip of economic apartheid and headed for Detroit-style, imposed bankruptcy.
Dr. Walter Johnson, Winthrop professor of History and African and African American studies at Harvard University, discusses his in-depth study on economic apartheid in Ferguson.
Five Democratic presidential candidates will participate in a nationally televised Q&A session (host CNN insists it’s a “debate”) tonight in Las Vegas. The venue is the opulent, five-star Wynn Las Vegas resort and casino—an ironic twist for a political party that swears it’s about the working class. Yet, it is perfectly in line with where politics is right now.
Dave Levinthal, who leads the Center for Public Integrity’s reporting team on federal politics, discusses the 2016 presidential race, which by all indicators will be the most expensive in U.S. history.
Leid Stories – 10.09.15
The Pre-Debate Debates, Right Here on Free Your Mind Friday!
Leid Stories listeners won’t be waiting for the other party’s Oct. 13 dog-and-pony show in Nevada to find out what the issues are and where the Democratic presidential candidates stand. It’s grist for mill on “Free Your Mind Friday,” the best open forum on the planet.
Call in (888-874-4888) and join our regularly scheduled People’s Debate.
Harvey Wasserman – Why Bernie and Hillary Must Address America’s Dying Nuke Reactors
Harvey Wasserman As the first Democrat presidential debate finally approaches (on Oct. 13), America’s nuke power industry is in accelerated collapse. The few remaining construction projects in the U.S. and Europe are engineering and economic disasters. Presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders may address this in broad terms. But as a nation we must now focus on the 99 dying U.S. reactors that threaten us all every …
JIM RUSSELL – What the Rust Belt Can Teach Us About White Flight, Gentrification, and Brain Drain
The dying cities of the Rust Belt shouldn’t have brain gain. But they do. Real estate appreciation within an urban core suffering from demographic decline doesn’t make any sense. Yet these neighborhoods exist in places such as Buffalo and Pittsburgh. To be young, college-educated, and white means to flee where manufacturing used to rule. Boom goes Detroit. Concerning migration, expect the unexpected in America’s …