Dr. Lilliana Corredor is the Founder & Coordinator of Scientists for the Mekong. For the last 35 years she has worked worldwide to protect water. She has worked with Peasants, Farmers, School kids, Community Groups, Indigenous tribes, Fishermen, Government departments (for free), NGOs, the Public. Today we talk about Mekong River Ecocide.
THICH NHAT HANH – The World We Have
Only when we combine our concern for the planet with spiritual practice will we have the tools to make the profound personal transformations necessary to address the coming environmental crisis. Thich Nhat Hanh offers us the guiding principles for a new ecospirituality of mindful living. We are like sleepwalkers, not knowing what we are doing or where we are heading. Whether …
Utpal Dholakia Ph.D. – If Mindfulness Is This Popular, Why Is Everyone So Mindless?
On the surface, mindfulness practice seems tailor-made for increasing welfare of its adopters. Drawing upon centuries-old Buddhist and Vedantic rituals, it refers to a set of activities & exercisesperformed to focus one’s mind on experiencing the present, one moment at a time. Mindfulness exercises often involve meditation in some form. The practitioner focuses on a single concept continuously for a period ranging from a few minutes to …
SAM LITTLEFAIR WALLACE – How did a Buddha statue land in Viking hands?
In March of 2015, Sweden Post released a stamp that depicts the Buddha sitting in a lotus as part of a series commemorating the Era of Vikings. The illustration is of a small, bronze statuette of the Buddha, which was uncovered by archaeologists in a small Swedish town in 1954. The archaeologists dated the statue to the 5th century, likely coming …
CHARITY CROUSE – Right Out in Plain Sight: Dona Hillary and the Clinton Cartel
Politics in the U.S. has long been accepted as dirty business, especially when it comes to U.S. relations with Latin America. But a new standard has been set with the ascendance of presidential contender Hillary Clinton. The March 3, 2016 assassination of Lenca leader Berta Carceres is a direct result of policies enabled and supported by Clinton and her criminal …
PEMA CHÖDRÖN – 5 Reasons to Meditate
Yes, it’s a strange thing to do — just sit there and do basically nothing. Yet the simple act of stopping, says Pema Chödrön, is the best way to cultivate our good qualities. Here are five ways it makes us better people. The mind is very wild. The human experience is full of unpredictability and paradox, joys and sorrows, successes …