This week, we present a speech delivered in April by the Project Censored Show’s co-host Mickey Huff. His topic was ‘fake news,’ and how to resist it. He spoke at Sonoma State University, as part of the campus’s annual Social Justice Week. Mickey Huff is director of Project Censored, co-host of the Project Censored radio program, and co-chair of the …
Nika Knight – Documents Reveal UK Involvement in Secret US Drone Campaign ‘Kill List’
The British military has been involved in selecting the targets of the United States’ secret drone campaign, new documents obtained by the U.K.-based rights group Reprieve revealedSunday. According to the documents, personnel at U.K. bases leased to the U.S. military play a role in drawing up the “kill list” for the ongoing drone assassinations in countries such as Yemen, Somalia, …
Denmark Intends To Be The World’s FIRST 100% Organic Nation
Bhutan announced its plan to become the world’s first 100% organic nation in 2013, but it now has some competition. That’s right, Denmark’s government announced its plan to become Earth’s first 100% organic nation – and it has a solid plan of accomplishing that feat. According to OrganicVeganEarth, the Scandinavian country is already the most developed country in the world concerning the amount …