The following text is the first in a series of articles which will present an analysis and evaluation of NATO enlargement in the Balkans, the interests that are driving this policy and the implications this has for Russia. The escalation of tensions between the NATO military alliance and Russian Federation has become the most critical issue within the domain of …
Obama Lied About Obamacare
Obamacare Increases Insurance-Rate by 87.7%/85.4%, or 2.7% Since 2008 Obamacare Increases Insureds from 85.4% up to 87.7% Candidate Obama’s Promise of “Universal” Meant 100% Obamacare started being available on 1 October 2013 and has now been available for 16 months. When candiate Obama was running for the Presidency, he promised “universal coverage,” which is what exists in virtually all other …