Role of terrestrial biosphere in counteracting climate change may have been underestimated

It is widely known that the terrestrial biosphere (the collective term for all the world’s land vegetation, soil, etc.) is an important factor in mitigating climate change, as it absorbs around 20% of all fossil fuel CO2 emissions. However, its role as a net carbon sink is affected by land-use changes such as deforestation and expanded agricultural practice. A new …

The Gary Null Show – 04.13.16

On “The Gary Null Show” here are the topics he discussed and the links to help you learn more.

Maple syrup protects neurons and nurtures young minds

If you eat fast food you’re getting a generous helping of toxic chemicals

New autism research: a nutrient called carnitine might counteract gene mutations linked with ASD risks

Black currant has high variability in flavonoid contents and composition

Fraud exposed: Hazardous chemicals and mislabeling rampant in olive oil industry

Ginkgo biloba indicating that it may have therapeutic value in the treatment of dementia, tinnitus, and cognitive decline and dysfunction

Video: Alan Watts – You’re it – Speech extract from “Zen Bones and Tales

Truth in Media: The Origin of ISIS

Crimes against humanity in Yemen: U.S. and Saudis causing hundreds of thousands of children to starve to death

New Report Details Big Oil’s $500 Million Annual Climate Obstructionism

The Violence of Police Politics