Progressive Radio Network

Bill de Blasio

On today's Heart Of Mind Radio, host Kathryn Davis speaks to Paulette Spencer and Roger Newcomb, representatives of Bronx Reach Champs and theBronx Community Health Network regarding a new program being offered in 5…
A few weeks after The New York Times released a controversial video of a Success Academy Charter School teacher lashing out at a student, New York City’s deep-pocketed charter school advocates are looking…
Researchers at The University of Western Australia have found that engagement in the arts for enjoyment, entertainment or as a hobby, for two or more…
In this undated image released by the New York City Health Department, shows a graphic that will soon be warning NYC consumers of high salt…
SHUTTING NUKES & STEALING OHIO’S CORPORATE POT REFERENDUM are what’s happening in today’s Solartopia Show. TIM JUDSON and JESSICA AZULAY first join us to celebrate…
Welcome, to the radio magazine that brings you news, commentary and analysis from a Black Left perspective. – A broad coalition of activist organizations is…
Bullying in the workplace can be a disaster for companies. It's kind of a survival of the fittest without realizing the damage that that type…
Listen to Sally Park Rubin, the co-author of The Overfunctioning Woman’s Handbook, talk about how to recognize and address this tendency— this Wednesday at 10…
Are you on the Pope bandwagon? The arrival of Pope Francis in the Big Apple has most excited for his mere presence and the rest…
- In questions over Shaun King’s race, activists see challenge to Black Lives Matter movement. Conservative idiots see this as a big issue. Why? Because…
On Monday, New York City took a dramatic step that highlights just how out of control rental housing costs have become in the Big Apple…
Last week, 30,000 summer interns descended on Washington, D.C., to toil for tiny wages in policy shops, think tanks, the White House and, yes, labor…