A former student who reportedly had been expelled from a high school in well-to-do Parkland, Fla., for behavioral problems returned to the school armed with an assault rifle yesterday and killed 17 people before he was apprehended by police. Nikolas Cruz, 19, also injured more than a dozen others during his murderous rampage, Broward Sheriff Scott Israel said, adding that …
Warrior Connection – 05.10.15
During May 10 warrior Connection Denise and Doug discussed last weeks Va research Advisory board meeting and round table discussion with a bunch of vets, hot line investigation under U.S. Senator Bill Nelson (DC 202 224-5274 or Miami 305-536-5999) , and DoD admission hot line for chemical exposures. ODS, OIF OEF OND VETS SHOULD CALL ARMY HOT LINE AT 800 497 6261 if they think they were exposed to ensure medical care and notify their va or civilian primary care physician.