Awaken with Meria and Monnica. Todays topic is past lives. the frequencies hitting all of us now;releasing old emotional issues that express in illness; is it now or then? color therapy;moving water;releasing techniques;past lives and phobias;imprinting;bleedovers;clues to past lives;how to observe without emotional attachment;future life progressions;always in 2 places at once;parallel lives;FEAR-false evidence appearing real;”Today I choose to love”; healing your present through your …
Energy Stew – So many people are devoted meditators. Are you? – 01.05.18
So many people are devoted meditators. Are you? What does it take to live a meditative life? Maybe you can combine it with adventure and meditate in exotic locations. How about a cave in the Himalayas? Or maybe meditating among others turns your frequencies on the best. Ajayan Borys has taught thousands to meditate. What has he learned about our …