Resistance Radio – Brendan Mackey – 10.04.15

Brendan Mackey is is a Professor at Griffith University, Queensland Australia and is director of the University’s climate change response program which promotes a multi-disciplinary approach to climate change problems. Brendan’s PhD was in tropical forest ecology and he has published widely in the related fields of biodiversity, ecosystems, conservation and
climate change. His current research is focussed on the role of ecosystems in climate change mitigation and adaptation. He serves on the global governing Council of the International Union for conservation of Nature (IUCN).

Expat Files – 08.23.15

-In Latin America, some countries like Colombia produce enough oil for their own use and have plenty to export as well. When the price of oil is high (like 2 years ago) government slugs, like pigs at the trough, expand and gorge on the extraordinary tax revenues, but boom times do end. So now that oil prices are in the crapper, Latin countries that produce oil like Colombia-with their very weak environmental laws- have found an easy but highly destructive way to increase those oil tax revenues again, by FRACKING!!!

-Did you know that a very recent study revealed that your average fat-assed deadbeat Costa Rican government employee took FIVE TIMES as many sick days in 2014 as did persons working real jobs in the private sector? Not only that, the report states that Costa Rican government pinheads make from 150 to 200 percent more than people working in equivalent private sector jobs. Sound Familiar? Yet another example of how retarded Latin Governments believe anything first-world is imminently desirable… no matter how ruinous, unknowingly copying every last disastrous first-world defect as well.

-More on those famous S.A. Corporations and Latin taxes

Fracking Linked to Increased Infant Mortality in Alarming New Study By Reynard Loki

A new study has linked fracking to a higher incidence in infant mortality, perinatal mortality, low-weight births, premature births and cancer in infants and children. Funded by the Pittsburgh Foundation and written by Joe Mangano, co-founder and president of the Radiation and Public Health Project [3], a nonprofit educational and scientific organization that studies the relationship between low-level, nuclear radiation and public …

Research says: Organic produce has higher cancer fighting nutrients than conventional

Organic produce sales are booming around the world. People opt for organic foods because they know it’s healthier, has more nutrients, and tastes better than produce grown with chemicals. In fact, despite the twisted (deceitful) propaganda created by the chemical industry, several recent studies prove that organic food is superior by nature. Conventional produce is grown with toxic fertilizers, insecticides, and preservatives …

Dwindling bird populations in Fukushima

This is the time of year when birds come out and really spread their wings, but since a disastrous day just before spring’s arrival four years ago, Japan’s Fukushima province has not been friendly to the feathered. And as several recent papers from University of South Carolina biologist Tim Mousseau and colleagues show, the avian situation there is just getting …

Forest Bathing Increases Immunity

Anyone who has walked in a forest knows by common sense the beauty of it. It’s why some people choose to live in forests, or next to them, and why other people travel thousands of miles to stand in Redwood forests, or the rain forests of Costa Rica or Ecuador. But researchers in Japan, where the tradition called shinri-yoku, or …