It seems that each week brings new information documenting the precipitous decline in the conditions of life for a large majority of the American people.…
Here’s another swanky benefit of our out-of-control gun culture: university professors should be aware that their students might shoot them. The Texas state legislature voted…
Dr. Serena McKenzie, N.D. and Dr. Diana have collaborated for almost six years, sharing hundreds of cases using a mind-body approach. We see that medical…
If birth control were free, there would be fewer unwanted pregnancies. This is the longstanding hypothesis put forth by women’s health advocates (and correspondingly written…
As cities expand, it’s not just humans who are becoming increasingly urbanized. Concrete jungles and actual jungles are no longer realms apart, and as natural…
During the fertile phase of their monthly cycle, women are prone to greater risk taking. For psychologists, this means that they are more likely to initiate…