Heart of Mind Radio – 03.03.17

On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio, Kathryn Davis interviews Sifu Ed D’urso, about his upcoming program “Resilience Training Using Low Impact Exercises To Enhance Health, Emotional Well-Being & Freedom of Movement” at the New York Open Center. The program occurs tonight, Friday February 3rd, 7-9 PM. Located at 30th St and Madison Ave in NY.

The Gary Null Show – 08.21.15

Kermit Heartsong is an empirical scientist, political author and the creator of several award wining word games. For the past 25 years, Kermit has investigated the macroscopic developments of social, economic and political systems to identify disturbing trends in both the US and around the globe. He is currently the managing editor of Tayen Lane Publishing in San Francisco. He has appeared on CNN International and many radio stations and has been featured in a variety of magazines and publications. Kermit is the author of several books on America’s dystopia and illusions and recently published “Ukraine: Zbig’s Grand Chessboard and How the West was Checkmated.” His website is TayneLane.com